Small Town Gossip | Arthritis Information


Okay, stayed away from Wal Mart because the pain of walking was bad. So I decided to go to IGA a small store in our town for groceries. Always run into the town clown named Yancey. Big tall bald headed young man I used to work with. I love him dearly, although he is a pest! He asked me if I was still working at the boys home as a chef, and I told him no. I can't work any more. Clown went away. He got serious and asked me what was going on. He are so skinny. I saids yes I am. He said why? I told him Ra. He bowed his head and said his Mom died of that.

Well, didn't make me feel so good. He said get to an RA pronto. I told him I have one and he said what meds are you on? And I said just Actonel for bone density. He said that is not enough. He said he saw his mom go done to 80lbs and within 2 weeks she died.
I love small towns. Don't you?
That sounds a bit dramatic. Certainly a serious situation....but rare.
He's right though. The meds you are on won't stop or even slow the progression of RA. Do your research and talk to your doctor about a treatment plan that will help slow the progression down. You can't stop it....but you can do a lot.
The majority of us do not die a quick death of RA. No doubt RA and the treatments we all end up taking for many, many years often contribute to health issues later in life; but few (and I haven't heard of any honestly) die within two weeks of with RA. Sounds like your clowns Mother likely suffered for many years before her dramatic weight loss and quick death. He shouldn't have told her story in such an abrumt (Sorry about my spelling) manner. That would be enough to scare any of us I imagine.
Keep your chin up....and go back to shopping at Wal-Mart

Start compiling a list of questions and complaints.  You definitely have some issues that MUST be addressed. You can't get better without medicine. It may very well be that your weight loss is RA related- mine was- during a severe onset but my doctors sent me for a CT with contrast of the head, chest and abdomen to rule out any underlying malignancies. They did this because at the time I was also not responding to my DMARDS and prednisone. Turned out I was fine, then the meds kicked in, then the prednisone made me gain back everything +++++.

I hope things can work out well for you too!
