Anyone ever use Padma Basic? | Arthritis Information


Padma Basic: This centuries-old formula was handed down from Tibet. It's sold without a prescription in the United States, but overseas, it is called "Padma 28." It's all-natural, with 20 herbs and spices that balance your immune system and squash inflammation. It helps autoimmune sufferers because it's "cooling" to an immune system that's on fire. It's also great for the blood circulation and heart.
No. Never heard of it. Sounds very interesting though.where DO you find this stuff??
It is very interesting......  going to read more on this.. thanks JSNM
I type in Rheumatoid Arthritis into Google News - there's an interesting RA vaccine being tested in the UK and it also has pin cushion's denial of meds story too - its getting some legs, so I will hope the media can get the ruling changed. 
I found it, but I can't afford it. has some if anyone is interested. I suspect you could get your local health food store to order it for you