Humira question. | Arthritis Information


Hi all and hope everyone is doing well.

My Dr. changed me to Humira from Enbrel hoping for less inflammation and pain.  I used the Humira pen this past Tuesday and have spent 2 days in bed with the thigh that I injected in horrible pain.  Not right at the injection site but within 6 inches of it. 
It seemed like a reaction as I did not injure myself and wonder if anyone else has experienced this?  I will be calling my rheumy Monday but you all are such a wealth of information thought I would check here.
Take care
I use Humira but not the pen.  My site is only sore for a few minutes after the injection.  I would suspect an allergy to the medication.  I use the pens too. Doesn't soud quite right to me either. I used the pens never had that although I did it in my stomach as they told me there was less pain there.  Call your rheumieHugs Bonny and please call your doc, OK?
Yep, I will call the Dr come tomorrow morning.  I sure had high hopes for changing meds so maybe Remicade this time.
Take care everyone.
