weakness in arm? | Arthritis Information


I have developed significant weakness in my left arm and wrist, and my left leg is starting to look smaller than my right leg. Is the weakness part of RA? I am wondering if I am losing muscle from the RA or vasculitis. I have mainly left side vasculitis problems so maybe it is that.

I too have muscle weakness in arms and legs, I think it is Ra. Could be wrong though but in my experience, muscle weakness will develop. Hope you get answer soon.Laker - I would make an emergency appt with your physician.  Laker, I have noticed for several weeks that my right leg was becoming smaller.  I actually measured it and it was indeed a half inch smaller.  I tried not to freak and put it down to the fact that I have been giving to that leg somewhat due to my ankle hurting.  But I am going to ask doctor as the right leg is my dominant side and shouldnt be smaller.  I have significant weakness in  both arms and wrists as well as legs.  I cant get I was going to say I cant get up from floor if I get down.Laker -
I had extreme weakness in my arms and legs that I'm only now overcoming.  I might have some vasculitis in the left leg but won't know for sure for a couple of months and I see my AP doc again.  He mentioned something in passing the last time I saw him and you know how it is, I'm like "what was that all about?' 
Anyway, it could darn well be the RA, in my experience.  I too couldn't get off the floor, or out of a chair or up or down stairs.
Laker, I've had varying degrees of weakness in my left arm and wrist (hand shakes when I lift something) and in my left leg.  Since my disease is undifferentiated, I'm not sure if it's the autoimmune issue either, or vasculitis, although when I asked the RD if my neuropathy issues were vasculitic neuropathy he said yes but he fully admits that it's very hard to know for sure exactly what causes overlapping symptoms.   I think regardless of what's causing your symptoms, either RA or vasculitis, the RA meds should take care of it, shouldn't it?  That business about your left leg being smaller worries me though.  I really wish you'd talk to the RD right away about that.  OK? Please?  Promise?   Thanks, I see my dr in a week and I will ask about it. I just feel like they must think I am some kind of crazy freak sometimes. I am also having trouble recognizing words when I read and sometimes cannot think of how to write a word down when I am taking notes in a meeting. I am hoping this is just fatigue. I had problems like this before treatment - only with speech (aphasia). It was maddening. I became afraid to talk.
I have weakness in my hands and fingers.  I went to lunch with some friends on Friday and was at the salad bar trying to put toppings on my salad.  They had some tongs and I couldn't squeeze them to pick up anything without using two hands.  Very embarrassing!  My RD says it is the Prednisone.I dont' take prednisone and I have hand weakness.  Unable to open jars and do some other fine motor skills on other days... it's not constant.. but often.
I have major weakness in my right leg in that it was the one most affected w/ JRA  and has continued to plague me for eons!
I avoid sitting on floors whenever possible.. I am NOT gracious in getting back up!
If you read about RA, it does state that muscle weakness is an effect.

I know you mentioned that you have a Dr's appointment next week, but don't hesitate to go in and get it checked out sooner. Is this a recent thing? How long has this been going on?

Hopefully this will get better really soon!
Best wishes~


I don't like how you are having trouble with words....
I have noticed my legs feel weak when I do my 30 min walk. I have been doing this for over 2 months now and instead of it getting easier it feels like it's getting harder. I will definately be bringing this to my RD's attention this month. My legs look flabby too and I always had a muscular build.....
The reading/writing problem has been going on about a month which was when I started a nasty flare so I am hoping it is from inflammation - but I am still having trouble. I have made several bad mistakes at work and I create ads and write articles for publication so this is a real worry to me. I am going to start having a friend at wpork check it for me and hopefully no one will notice. My brother has brain cancer and my aunt died from a brain tumor so I won't let this go. I see my neurologist in a week.  I will definitely bring it up. I will ask about the arm weakness too. Six months ago it was still okay. My RD told me the prednisone is turning my muscles into fat - gee thanks - that's encouraging!
Yeah, I don't like that "trouble with words" business either.  I'm glad you'll be seeing the doctor soon.  I have weakness in both arms, hands and legs.  Working out helps some.  It is hard to lift anything anymore.   I'm starting to work with 3 lb. weights too.
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