WHAAAT???? | Arthritis Information


Did i hear right? Obama said he would go for advice from his wife and grandma???

you'd think he'd include LORSTER!Totally taken out of context!!

Obama mentioned a potential vice presidential nominee, former Sen. Sam Nunn, when asked by Warren to name three people he considers wise and would rely on for counsel as president. Nunn was listed after Obama's wife and his 85-year-old grandmother.
McCain threw in a vice presidential possibility, as well: former Ebay CEO Meg Whitman, whom he described as someone he valued in economically difficult times. He also mentioned Gen. David Patraeus and, surprisingly, ____________________Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.).


Out of context? Where do you get that from? It was an important question requiring a thoughtful answer. John McCain quickly said General Petraius. The scarey part of Senator Obama's answer is that he was probably telling the truth when he said that he would rely first on his wife's advise if he were to be president. I would have to say that even if he had given the same reply as he did when he was asked when he believes life starts, that being "above his paygrade" would have been a less scarey answer.

The forum showed why Senator Obama is running scared from debating Senator McCain. No tele-prompter, no eloquence, no knowledge and not much inteligence. Certainly a man that should not be in the running for the Presidency of this great United States.
levlarry2008-08-18 19:44:33Lev,

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