Gas problems - | Arthritis Information


An elderly lady complains to the M.D. that she passes gas many times a day. "It's really more of a nuisance than a problem," she explains, "They're silent and they don't smell." The M.D. gives her a prescription and tells her to come back in a week.

She returns and says, "I don't know what it was you gave me, doc, but I still pass gas all the time, it is still silent, but it smells terribly!"

The M.D. replies, "Now that we've cleared up your sinuses, we'll see what we can do for your hearing."
Maybe Obama can use that to solve the energy problem  [QUOTE=mab52]Maybe Obama can use that to solve the energy problem  [/QUOTE]

Odiferous Oldies for Obama!!!JasmineRain,

I just wanted to say thank you for this. I told my mom (87 years old) that I had read a joke on the arthritis forum and that it reminded me of her. I then told her the joke and well, I just love it when mom laughs so hard that tears roll down her cheeks. Thanks again.
Funny!!! Thank you!!