One Joint at a Time... | Arthritis Information


Has anyone else had the experience of RA going one joint at a time?  It started badly in my right wrist last December it's been flaring since.  It is still hurt and inflammed but I feel like it has burnt out because I have lost ROM.

Now the elbow above that is going crazy.  I am not able to fully straighten arm since I was on the steroid pack.  I may stay away from those now.  My wrist flared like mad after the first one ended and I went on this one to get my elbow better (which it was, for a while) but now it is worse. 
I have inflammation in both feet in the past, and in my left foot now, but not as bad and I expect it will go away because I had similar mild inflammation in my hips and ankle and knees that went away--just a few weeks or months of flaring, not to bad, then faded. 
But it's like there always has to be one joint that my body says, here we go, this is what we are going to attack.
Hi KatieG. Mine started in my right thumb last september. Then it went to my left thumb. Then my knees, hips, and feet. Seems like there's something new everday with this stuff.Come to think of it, it did seem to start with one joint then the rest following.  Never seems to stop.  :(
I read the title one joint at a time.  I thought well if she is going to smoke a joint I sure hope it's only one at a time.  ;)
Now thank was funny!Katie, mine does that sometimes.  In fact over this past couple of weeks it's been doing that.   Well, wait, not always only one joint, but not always symmetrical.  Right now my shoulder is flaring and it hurts like crazy.  I think shoulders are my least favorite joint to flare.  Theirs just no way to abate the pain.  Every posistion hurts. [QUOTE=shykymom] I was going to ask the same question. So glad you posted this. I get it in both my hands, but there is always one that is much worse than the other and then it seems as if the next day it is worse in the other hand. Same with my feet, shoulders, knees and hips. Is that the way it does most anyone?Mine is more like, one joint is really bad until the RA burns out, then on to another.  Although, today my left elbow is a bit achey and for the first time I noticed that a knuckle on my left had is messed up.  I only got 4 hours of sleep the other night (usually get 8) and I'm also sick (son has croup) so that may have something to do with it.  But I just have this feeling that my elbow will be the next joint to flare without respite.  Honestly, better that than my foot or ankle.  This arm is already pathetic.  I've lost almost all my muscle tone.  For me my right side, dominant, flares much bigger and is worse off than my left side. I do seem to have symmeteric swelling and problems, but I do not really notice, notice the symeterical because I focue on what is acting up the most, which is my right side. Left side... I say pooey, and do not follow the right side. LOL!
