"Bad Seed: The ADVANTAGE Trial of Vioxx" | Arthritis Information



The author is very critical of pharma-backed studies:
"The importance of the article by Hill et al, in my humble opinion, goes beyond its clear demonstration that seeding trials do exist. The article demonstrates how clinical research may be twisted into marketing. The article demonstrates how an ostensibly scientific endeavor may be based on deception, when science is supposed to be about the pursuit of truth. The article demonstrates how the ethos of the huckster has replaced that of the physician in large organizations once regarded as ethical."

Suzanne2008-08-20 13:11:18The links not working for me, can you repost.

Not working for me either.  I'm interested in reading because I'm a victim of Vioxx.  Lindyhttp://www.medpagetoday.com/Rheumatology/Arthritis/tb/10588

Can't get the blog either.  Please repost.  Sounds interesting.

Lindy, how were you a victim of Vioxx?
Sorry!  Try going through Kevin Md - click on the author of the blog, Roy Poses.

Hi Jan, I was on max Vioxx for RA inflammation.  At that time it was the only prescription med I took except for Synthroid.  Six months after starting Vioxx I developed hypertension.  When I presented to the ER my BP was 222/124.  It took 3 weeks of trial and error with medications to bring it down to 158/92 and another 4 weeks to bring it to relatively normal levels.  I was taken off Vioxx immediately and it was determined by my cardiologist, RD and Internist that this was a complication of using Vioxx.  It was a frightening episode and continued because I didn't know if they would be able to lower my BP.    LindyAnother interview on the subject:

Just a little more info...
[QUOTE=Lynn49]Just a little more info... Lindy-
THat must have been frightening.  Did you report it to the FDA?  Glad it got treated.
It's being handled through an attorney.  LindyI took Vioxx for two years and it was a miracle drug for me - it was like I didn't even HAVE arthritis!  I cried when they took it off the market.  However, I have had some problems the past few years that might be related to taking that drug.  But who knows?
Another drug I took for a while - hormone replacement therapy - was a lifesaver for me too, as I suffered with terrible hot flashes and migraines, which the hormones cured.  However, now I have had several (benign) breast cysts and last year I had to have a D&C, all of these problems apparently related to the HRT, as suggested by health professionals.  I haven't pursued it and don't plan to, at this point anyway.  How can you prove you were harmed by drugs taken years ago?
Now I've had two sets of Rituxin infusions, and while I believe this drug is necessary for me, especially for my antiphospholipid syndrome which is causing lesions on my brain and is a huge threat for embolism.  But I can't help wonder what side effects await me, down the road a ways!

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