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not sure why i've started thinking about this again but when i was about 15 I used to get re-occurring knee pain (no swelling that I can recall) for about a year or so. X-rays were taken but never got an explanation for what it was.

This went away but returned when i was about 19/20, then went away again.
I am now 31 and was diagnosed earlier this year. This is not unlike the pain I am experiencing in my knees at the moment (again no swelling), is there a chance this was linked?
Really???  I had horrible pain in my knees when I was a teenager, I am also 31 and was diagnosed at 30! reegie2008-08-20 17:24:12

I almost posted about this recently.  I had pain in my feet in college that was first dx as inflammatory athritis (first visit) then they kept changing dx and couldn't figure it out.  Made it so I couldn't run.  That was about 10 years ago.  Also, I realize that for a long time I've felt like I'm walking on rocks and the end of the day, I just figure, tired feet.  But it really hurts.  And my achilles have given me problems since high school.  I could never get them stretched out.  I would stretch, which would just create the urge to stretch more

In 1993 for a long time I had what felt like a tooth ache in my shoulder. About 3 days prior I had helped my husband carry a triple dressor from the garage, thru the house and up 13 steps. I figured it was that even though it didn't hurt until 3 days later. A few years later my thumb hurt so bad near the base of my hand that I had to brace it for a few days. I didn't remember doing anything but I figure I "sprained it". A few more years went by and I got that same shoulder pain for no reason at all. It came out of no where and went the same way after a good part of a year. Every night I took advil and applied heat. In 2007 I had a major severe "onset". Now I am wondering if these other things might have been RA.I also had knee pain when I was a teen.  Was told it was growing pains...not sure if it was related to RA or not.  I had knee pain when I was a kid too. I never had it dxed just told it was growing pains too. Mom always said it's just a charlie horse cramp you'll grow out of it.  Well maybe I grew into it instead.

Added a thought!!
mom2threeinaz2008-08-20 20:38:26Here's a little contrast to all your stories about childhood aches... I was DX'd w/ JRA at age 10..  and all my dr's knew it... but they did not ever go to that DX again as an adult til I flared BIG last year.... (cause I am sero=negative ... hmm)
what time may have been wasted for all of us without DX...
I never went to a dr. about my pains- so I can only blame myself if it was...babs, did you have a lot of growing pains too?  Just curious.  I was a super mellow kid and slept really well but i have lots of memories about being in my parents' bed at 3 am and my legs hurt (calves usually)  I know they say this is "normal" but it HURT!  My parents always called it "milk leg" and told me to drink more milk (which I did, I hope that pays off!) I played soccer a lot and it was often tied togetherThe funny thing to me is that I really have little or no visible inflammation now, but when my knee's hurt when I was a teenager my knees would get hot and red.  I used to tell my mom that my knees had a fever.
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