Pomegranate extract alleviates RA symptoms | Arthritis Information


Pomegranate extract alleviates RA symptoms and joint destruction

The increasing consumption of pomegranate extracts among those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) seems to be well justified, report scientists.

"In our study we demonstrated that consumption of pomegranate juice extract robustly prevents the development of cartilage-induced arthritis in an animal model of RA," say Tariq Haqqi (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA) and fellow researchers.

Pomegranate juice selectively inhibits cytokines and signal transduction pathways that play critical roles in the inflammation associated with RA, explain the researchers in the journal Nutrition.

Haqqi et al have previously demonstrated that the hydrolysable tannins and anthocyanins in pomegranate extract have powerful cartilage-sparing effects in vitro.

To extend these findings, they studied mice genetically susceptible to collagen-induced arthritis and triggered the condition by injecting collagen. They then fed the mice a pomegranate extract at various doses for differing periods of time.

Overall, the pomegranate extract significantly and dose-dependently reduced the onset, incidence, and severity of collagen-induced arthritis after collagen injection.

Histopathologic analysis revealed reduced infiltration of inflammatory cells in the joints and less bone and cartilage destruction in animals given the pomegranate extract compared with those that were not.

Further investigation suggested that this alleviation of disease was due to inhibition of signaling in macrophages and downstream signaling factors involved in the pathogenesis of RA.

The authors caution that, to their knowledge, "no clinical trials in patients with RA have yet been done to document the safety and efficacy of pomegranate extracts available for over-the-counter use."

Nevertheless, they conclude: "The results of these translational studies and studies reported previously together provide strong and compelling evidence to support further clinical testing of pomegranate extract for the prevention of RA and osteoarthritis."

Free abstract

Does that include a pomegranate martini? Sounds good to me!wouldn't that be great?  seems too easy
I could do that martini w/ you though Aud!!

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