Seeking Help | Arthritis Information


Why is it that getting help is so hard. I could not walk this morning. Took an hour before I could get out of bed. Not sure why but my back and should is so swollen, you can't see my spine or shoulder blade, and my knees, ankles, wrists, and hips hurt. Why can't this happen on the day I go to the Dr? My appointment is Tuesday. In a way I wish that it stay this swollen so the Dr can see it, but I don't want to be miserable until Tuesday, so I want it to go away. *sigh* I called and the Dr. can't see me until my appointment at 10:45 on Tuesday. This is a new Dr. and they only have certain times for intakes. This stinks. yeah I hate the old disappearing act! Can someone take a digital picture of you for the dr.?I don't know whether this is advisable (so maybe others could chime in) but--if you can handle it--maybe you could skip out on NSAIDs a few days before your doctor's appointment?  But then if you are fine that day for whatever reason you might be even more frustrated.

Maybe write a really objective list that says:
Physical limitations:
and just give it to the doctor when you get there.  If he is half decent he will understand that RA comes and goes and understand. 
I second the digital pic idea.  Even though my rheumy is very understanding of the come-and-go nature, his eyes opened real wide in November when I showed him pics of my ankles that looked like softballs.  I usually have ankle swelling when I see him, just not as much as that.Good idea, kinda feel funny about pics with my shirt off, but it is my back at least . lol I'll have my hubby take them. I also think I will forgo the NSAIDS too, if I can handle it. No more for me until after Tuesday. (I took a dose this morning).  LOL- Maybe you and hubby can have some fun with photos for yourselves afterwards Haha not with my poor body image. I have low self esteem. me too jenni- specially after hubby says choose- vacation in TCI or tummy tuck!