Hair Loss | Arthritis Information


Sorry guys...I haven't had much time to get online with all the foster kids. I have been trying to check in on everyone from time to time when I can. I pray all of you are doing GREAT!!!

I am having a terrible time with hair loss. In fact, I have to clean my brush out every other day!! I haven't been on MTX for 3 or 4 months now and didn't have any noticeable hair loss while taking it. I am now on Arava and Enbral. Has anyone had any hair loss from either of these? Could it be the fall out (so to speak) of the MTX? Will it stop or am I going to lose all of it or have to wear a wig??

Help!!! Hey BLESSED! How are you?? I'm on the Arava for almost 2 years. I had hair loss initially (for about 6-8 months) but now my hair has grown back and it's thick again. My RD said it's almost as if the Arava causes the hair follicle to 'fall asleep' for a while but it will come back. Glad to see you're back!I had hair loss initially from MTX..... I started taking 1000 biotin with  my regular daily vitamin and it stabilized and started growing back.On Babs advice I started taking Biotin for hair loss also. I take 7500 mcg per day and not only did my hair stop falling out, it is very shiny and my fingernails are doing beautifully too!I read biotin is in royal jelly which I love.  May try this for nails.

I'm going through the same thing right now.  I'm trying to figure out if it's the MTX or increase in my thyroid med.  My rheumatologist upped my folic acid, and I had my doc decrease my throid med because my TSH levels were extremely low after the change in meds last month.  We'll see.  I just made those changes last week.
The biotin didn't seem to help me.  I have been doing that for about two months.  It probably wouldn't help if it's thyroid induced though.  Good luck.  La
I've not had hairloss since being on the methotrexate (almost a year now), but prior to that, about 2 years ago, I began losing massive amounts of hair. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism that my rheumatologist thinks was caused by the RA. Since I started on levothyroxine, I haven't been losing hair like I used to.

Good luck to you.
I had hair loss from Mtx too.  I've been off it for nearly a year now, but the hair loss did not slow down until after my most recent Rituxin infusions. 
I am hypothyroid too, but have been for more than 20 years, and Levothyroxine did nothing for the hair loss in my case.
