Questions from a newbie | Arthritis Information


I'm loving' (is that the right word for anything RA related?! A couple questions-

By catching it early enough to gain clinical remission..what is considered "early enough"? I started having symptoms February '07, and was diagnosed Feb'08, is it still "early" for me? Do I have hope of gaining clinical remission? I know there's no cut off date, but I'm just wondering how it's defined. (in your personal experience of course)

How many different treatments did you have to try before you found one that helped?

Does one's body gain immunity to certain med's over a couple years, thus causing you to switch every once in a while, even if something worked at first?

I have an appointment with my Rheumotologist on the 11th of next month and I plan on getting on something, or trying things out, etc. I've been trying some natural things that don't seem to be working, and I need to be able to live! I walked around Walmart for 20 minutes last night and thought I was going to die!!

I love hearing personal experiences, so SHARE!! Hi Kizzie, For me Ra was Dx right away( within a few months) and was treated with a small dose of Predizone and Salasulfidine(not sure of the spelling) and it worked great for a couple of years.Then went to Enbrel and Arava. Most times I do great but still have flares here and there, some bad and some not so bad.

As you know, everyone responds differently and not all have remission but I think alot do.
Part of it also is staying positive.
Welcome here! There is so much to learn from this forum.
Hi Kizzie. My history is not all that different from yours. My symptoms also began in Feb 07 (horrible shoulder problems, thought I had injured both of them because I was moving). My real diagnosis and treatment began last October, when I started plaquenil, minocycline and celebrex.
I am in clinical remission -- although it is a drug induced remission -- I don't think I would stay this way if I went completely off the medication. It started happening slowly. I could turn over in bed and not hurt. I could get out of bed in the morning without taking much time. I would forget to take the celebrex, and then realized I didn't need it anymore. My rheumatologist cut back on the plaquenil -- from 400 to 300 to 200mg/day. I began yoga again, and other exercise.
This can happen for you. Eat well. Do sensible regular exercise. Get enough rest. Take your medications -- you need to get started. Enjoy.
Bonnie Lou
Mine started years ago but wasn't dx as ra. I was told I had tendonitis and tarsal tunnel syndrome in my left ankle. I was sent to physical therapy and by the time I was done, my ankle was huge. Then my neck hurt and dr said I strained it. I had my own cleaning business and chalked all my aches and pains up to over working myself. Then on morning I woke up and my right hand and thumb was huge, red, swollen and very painful. I couldn't even push the thing down on the hairspray with my finger. I went in to prompt care and the dr said cellulitis. Put me on antibiotics. Well, I took them faithfully and nothing. Still hurt, swollen, etc. So I went back to prompt care and that dr ordered blood work and xray of hands and feet. I was ra positive at 129 and it showed up in  my xrays. He started me on relafen and vicoden and referred me to ra. I was then put on several drugs (not all at once) and found out I was allergic to sulfa, mtx, plaquenil didn't work after 8 months, humira didn't work after 8 months then I was put on enbrel. After my first injection I could feel it working. No morning stiffness and my energy was back. I still take it it's been almost 9 months. Still going strong but I do have weather flares and can't take the humidity or any form of precipatation. Labs were good. After 3 years I was feeling like my old self. Well, yesterday, I fired my rd. (see post I wrote) now I am shopping for a new one. He did give me 4 refills of enbrel and relafen and primary dr set me up with vicoden when I need it. My shot is on Tuesday and by Sunday I feel the enbrel wearing off. I look forward to my injection that's how good it is for me.
I hope you find the right combo of meds and welcome to the site.
take care
Welcome Kizzie - I think it's considered early treatment if it's 1-2 years from diagnosis, so sounds like you're in line to hope for clinical remission, but more important to not have damage.   If your treatment plan can kick RA in the butt and keep it from progressing, you limit or stop damage and that's important.  There are also people on the board who have RA for much longer and have clinicial remission, so don't get too hung up on the length of time from symptom to diagnosis.    Anyone - please correct me if I've misstated.
I agree that you it's possible to "love" something about RA - especially message boards like this and others.  Where else can you get instant support, answers, humor, empathy, etc. 
Take care

Kizzie - I agree with Cathy - there are people on this board who've been on different drugs and finally got remission.  LinB is one - 10 years! 

I chose Minocin (Minocycline), an antibiotic,  to treat my PRA/RA/then back to PRA - long story - and it worked fabulously.  I've been on that almost 2 years.   I intend to attempt to go medicine free in the next couple of years after I hit clinical remission for a few years.  If that doesn't work then I hope to stay on the ABX 40+ years.  I have a plan.  LOL

Hi Kizzie... sorry you need to be here.. but glad you found us..
IDK if it is within 2 years of DX... or more like estimated 2 years of onset.. with or without dX...
I'm still looking for my remission......  hoping it's near.
best of luck to you!!
