Peripheral Neuropathy anyone? | Arthritis Information


I'm new here and throwing all sorts of questions out to you all. Hope you don't mind. I have RA and was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy last fall. My rheumatologist believes it was caused by the RA.

Just wondering how many of you on this forum also have peripheral neuropathy as a result of RA? And, what is your main symptom? Do you experience pain?

In my case, I mostly have weakness in my arms and legs, some numbness in my thighs, and some numbness and tingling in my feet, all of which worsens significantly when I am on my feet for more than 5-10 minutes. Grocery shopping is very difficult. I haven't resorted to a scooter yet. Somehow managed to make it through shopping even when it was at its worst about 9 months ago.

I take Metanx twice a day which has been very helpful.

Anyone else?
klm4242008-08-22 16:50:56Hi Kim and welcome! Yes I have these syptoms. I cant'  go to Wal-Mart any more ...too painful. I am on no meds right now except for actenol for bone loss, but I am sure there are many on this board that can help you. Sorry for your pain!Yes, I also have RA related Peripheral Neuropathy.  The Neuro said mine was from knee damage as my feet are the main problem.  I take Lyrica and it has helped bunches.

Take care

I have pn too and take Lyrica for it. worst part for me is probably the burning. I've gotten used to the numbness in my hands and feet. I hold everything with two hands and I always hold on to the shopping cart when I walk in stores, even if I intend to only buy one thing.

I always find it funny when someone names a post something like "awful ugly warts anyone?"  as if asking if we want any.  Um, no thank you!  Sorry, not meaning to pick on you, just always makes me smile.

I have peripheral neuropathy both from spine issues and from RA.  My main symptom is shooting pain, but I also have tingling and numbness.
I take Lyrica and it has been a huge help.  It is a difficult med to start because for the first couple weeks most people get drowsiness, dizziness, and just-plain-out-of-it-ness, but that does go away.  I'd advise anyone starting it to begin with a small dose at bedtime only and work their way up.
I hadn't heard of Metanx, and when I looked it up, it sounds like it is simply an absorbable form of that right?  If that's working for you, that's great!
Oh, as for shopping, I am fortunate that my hubby does almost all the shopping.  I can't stand or walk for more than a couple minutes with my back problems and my RA foot/ankle pain.
I did buy a used scooter off of Ebay (on my own, dr didn't prescribe) and use it for day trips, but the battery stopped working and I haven't spent the time to figure out why yet.  Many large stores, at least ones in my area, have a few scooters available for customers to use, so maybe you could find a store with one and try it out?
InnerGlow2008-08-23 09:19:37hey klm.. I too have PN..
and I've found w/ reduced inflammation the discomfort of shooting pains.. numbness and pins and needles is lessened..
good luck to you!!

I always find it funny when someone names a post something like "awful ugly warts anyone?"  as if asking if we want any.  Um, no thank you!  Sorry, not meaning to pick on you, just always makes me smile.

Thanks to everyone who has replied. For those with PN, have you found that it's difficult to just get your legs and arms moving? Not just numbness. Not just tingling. But, do yours feel like you've got concrete blocks strapped to your ankles and you just can't get them moving? I also have PN and take Lyrica for it. It helps a great deal. Hi,
I have PN too, but am taking Pamelor for it, which has helped me a lot with the parathesia and pain. My feet go numb if I stand too long. Try different shoes. I find ones with a good thick sole that are a little squishy help keep my feet from going numb so fast.
 Yep, I have PN also and the worst part is the heavy feeling in my arms and feet.  My feet feel like they weigh 50 lbs each.  The pins and needles have gone since I was prescribed B12 shots, so that's a plus.
The neurologist thinks it's autoimmune related.
I too have PN, though apparently it was/is caused by a herniated disk in my lower back. Back surgery in 2000 to repair the disk, though it did nothing at all, either for the back pain OR the PN.  I told my RD about PN but he hasn't suggested any remedy - I assumed I'm just stuck with it.  He also didn't mention that it could be related to my RA.
The herniated disk is back & much worse than before; I cannot stand for more than 2-3 minutes without spasm in my lower back, relieved only by sitting down.  And my PN has just gotten progressively worse over the years.  I assume it is permanent and untreatable.  I take an anti-inflammatory, have had 2 Rituxin infusion treatments, and take 5 Vicodin every day.  These drugs help with my RA and Lupus to some degree, but nothing has ever helped with the PN.  For me,  it's numb, burning, very painful ankles, feet and toes, which never lets up and which gets worse when I'm on my feet.
The past year or so, I'm getting what I assume is PN in my arms and hands - they go numb all the time, I can barely hold a telephone or a pen for more than a couple minutes.  I think it's from an old neck injury, but who knows?  Every pain seems related to every other pain and/or RA and Lupus. 
It all just really sucks, big time.  My PN came from chemo. Not too bad, but I think my FM was caused by the chemo as well. Cat; ask your doctor about Lyrica. It has made an amazing difference for me.
B12 also makes a noticable difference for me.
Cat, have you tried epidural nerve blocks for the herniated disc pain?  They didn't work for me but I hear they work for a lot of people.

InnerGlow, thanks for the epidural suggestion, which I might explore down the road.  Right now I am waiting for a total hip replacement (scheduled for October); the hip pain supersedes and overwhelms all other pains in my body including PN, my back, and all the Lupus- and RA-related problems. 

Since I'm a bad surgical risk for several reasons, we have to wait till I'm in my "optimum" stage mid-way between Rituximab treatments, since they increase my risk of infection (I had a serious MRSA infection this winter).  I'm also at risk of an embolism, so while I am anxious to have my hip replaced, I'm also very nervous about the whole thing.
Does the Lyrica completely alleviate the symptoms altogether? Or just make them more manageable? I ask because they offered me a choice of that or the Metanx when I was first diagnosed. I went with the Metanx because there's no side effects of drowsiness. And it has significantly improved the symptoms, but they haven't gone away completely, which of course is what I hope for. I would say that on the Lyrica my nerve pain symptoms have been drastically reduced, and there are periods of time when I don't experience them at all, then other periods where I get them, but not nearly as bad as before.