OT measles | Arthritis Information


I thought I'd start a new thread for this, since vaccines in general were taking over the HPV thread.  This is the first article I've seen that breaks out the locations of measles cases.  Interesting!

 I am so afraid for the children who are getting measles.

I had them in 2nd grade. they became scarlet fever, then encephalitis.. I nearly died. 3 kids in my school did die.
measles isnt just a cute red rash looking like mechurechrome spots.. .. it is a deadly disease..
german measles is a devestating disease.. my mother had it during pregnancy with me. I have a semi cleft palate, am severely deaf, have a mild case of cerebral palsy, was born with heart defects and collapsed lungs..
one of my older brothers was sterile from mumps. he was in agony from the swelling in his testicles..  it wasnt like the cartoons where the cute kid wears a bandana around his jaw..
when I was 6 there was a polio outbreak where I lived.  one of my friend's mother died..  I didnt even know mommies could die.
our pediatritian refused to have patients who wouldnt vaccinite (we lived in Illinois then) he said if you want me as a dr you WILL vaccinate your children. his very first patient was a baby who died of whooping cough in his arms..
I get so angry when I hear il informed fear mongers pooh-poohing the need for vaccines.
Kathy -
But you have to admit there is something going on with vaccines - people are getting other diseases immediately after innoculation and instead of really researching this - the docs with financial stakes in vaccines are 'reviewing' records and saying no correlation.  Instead of assauging the fear of parents by at least separating the doses they just lump the doses together and say the parents want it that way.  Maybe some do, but some do not and they're not getting an option.
I agree with Pip. The solution is better research to make vaccines safer rather than sticking our collective heads in the sand about the real risks. I do not vaccinate my children on the typical schedule. I do not believe it is healthy to their immune systems to give them 5 vaccines at once and I do believe in the neurotoxicity of vaccines on infants. I also selectively vax -- opting not to vax against diseases my children are at low-risk of -- and I request my doctor use vaccines without thimerosal (while they can no longer be produced, they haven't been recalled and the last time I had a child vaccinated, they still had them on the shelf). Fortunately, I've found plenty of medical doctors who agree with me and haven't had an issue being "fired" from a doctor.

Personally, I find the most ill informed people to be those who vaccinate because their doctors said so without so much as a quick study on the safety and efficacy of certain vaccines.
CharleneW2008-08-23 09:49:45Just to add to the discussion...
My dad had polio at the age of 2 to 11 he was in out of hospitals in Chicago and back in the 30's during the depression his parents couldn't visit often. He suffered his whole life with it. One leg was way smaller than the other. He was lucky. He lived. I'm sure he wished he had a vaccine for it back then. He never went on disability and worked installing auto glass and raised 5 girls on his own when my parents divorced. His family never treated him any different then the rest of the kids. He was prom king, played baseball and was quite the lady's man. He passed away 8-18-02 from cancer of the liver. I admire him and I try not to whine and I try to be strong like he was growing up. SO, I made sure my kids were vaccinated for polio.
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