Sleep and anterograde amnesia | Arthritis Information


Babs - did you see this?
Also, anybody else interested in sleep -
If I am having difficulty sleeping, whether due to pain or stress, a benzodiazepine or one of the newer hypnotics (like Lunesta) gets me to sleep quickly and helps me stay asleep for several hours.  When I do wake up, I am rested and not groggy/hung over. I feel refreshed.  If I have several days in a row of sleeplessness, it's a fair bet that I'm gonna feel like crap and be in an even fouler mood, which will make it even harder to fall asleep.

Better living through chemistry!

I was more interested in the effect of the amnesia - wow!  And if that's why its working and people feel better about a few minutes more sleep - who cares.
This is a really interesting view on the history of sleep by the mattress lobby.  Didn't know there was a mattress lobby.
