Poem For The Day with Picture | Arthritis Information


Moth In A Jar


With nothing to say,

No expression.

No emotion.

No love.

No fear.

No tears.

You sit quietly in the jar,

Very still.

Very quiet.

Very motionless.

Very alone.

Very elusive.

The only sign of life,

A sudden breath.

A touch f a hand.

A deliberate shaking.

A flash of light.

Or a quick release from it all.

You sit silently like a moth in a jar,

Until you’re ready for life once more.

 Hi Lost....

Another enjoyable poem...thanks, Hiking_gal
I'm ready for life once more. Where do I sign up? LOL
I love your art that goes along with poems. I have never seen anyone do that. Amazing!

Cindee, iwill jiust post them. all you have to do is copy and patest. Love ya!

Sounds good to me. You should try to be published or go to art fairs. Have you? You could make some cash if you had the right connections. Need an agent? LOL hint hintyes an agent would be good, as I am not good on marketig.me neither, I was just joking about me being an agent. But how about art shows or fairs. I know here in Springfield, IL they have several craft/art shows and I used to go when I felt well. I love to look at other peoples creations. I used to paint but my right hand is so jacked up with ra, I haven't painted in a long while. I started a whole room mural at my church. Pastor and I are painting Noah's ark. I finished the rainbow and did some trees and grass, water, etc. but not animals. Pastor did the ark but has some touching up to do. I have some masking tape I am going to wrap around my paint brushes to make them thicker and easier to grip and give it a try. I will be so disapointed if I can't paint and kind of been putting it off because I'm too nervous about failing. I'll get the courage up. Probably this winter when I am bored and the weather is too cold to go out in. ????? I'm still mulling it over but I would love to be able to finish it. It's good for my soul and I used to do it for hours and it felt like minutes. Time would just fly by while I was painting.
YOU keep up the good work!

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