Heard from justsaynoemore | Arthritis Information


She's taking it easy because of Storm Faye.  Hope it goes away soon!!!!!

Is she in FL? Have they had flooding where she is? Tell her hi from us if you talk to her again. Hope she's well.I know my brother had 21 inches of rain in deltona. Could use some of that here! HOPE ALL IS OKAY.I have a sister in Gainesville and one in Lake Butler that I'm still waiting to hear from. I tried calling but couldn't get through. I'm going to send an email and try to call again tomorrow. It's midnight there now. They'd kill me if I called this late and woke up their kids. LOLLovie-
JSNM is in Naples, FL.  I'll give her your greetings.  Hope the situation improves for all in FL.
I mean no disrespect, but it might not be the wisest move to disclose someone else's hometown on a public forum. She gave it herself before so I don't think she would mind but may be wrong.

Hey JSNM.. I hope things improve for you..  sorry you're having some troubles..

I love love love your town.. I've been there four times.. great place!!!

Tell her to STOP sending her wind & rain my way!!!
Hope all is well with her and her hubby. Please keep us posted.
My thoughts go out to everyone affected by the storm, hope all is ok
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