bleeeeh I hate my life | Arthritis Information


I'm tired of feeling tied and I'm tired of my home life and I'm tired of RA.Gosh, I was thinking the same thing.............I am tired of being tired all the time, I'm tired of my home life and RA sux.  I'm right there with ya wanttobe : )   me too! :(today i feel like i'm not bothered if tomorrow doesn't happen and when i click on the forum, whats the 1st thing i see, other peple who feel the same way.

Do you think our depression is a direct result of RA or because we have it. Doesthat make sense, probably not and is it relevent anyway?

I've tried to keep working, I'm a physio how ironic is that? But at present its all too much. I've developed an allergy to the medication so i'm off that and have to wait to go on other stuff. So graduall i feel like I'm getting worse. Actually not gradually but quite rapidly.

Sorry to be a giant grouse but needed to get it all out. I've got supportive family and friends but you can't keep laying all on them. And i guess I know you will understand. Thanks for being there everyone.I know what you mean. I feel like I can't talk to my friends and family seriously. My friends just want me around to have fun, and I don't want my family to have to worry about me. I feel like there's no one I can talk to sometimes about my RA and general depressed and angry moods.  edfertg start using facebook its the best way to kill time n why not u start working on something online. it will keep u bz