Mtx + Mouth Sores? | Arthritis Information


Hi! Everybody, I am on Mtx 15+ Folic Acid 2mg. The day after I take my Mtx the inside of my mouth is sore in some places. What is a good thing to use to help get rid of my mouth sores? Thanks for any help...      Paul

My Mom always says warm salt water, but I find my mouth will feel like it's sore one day and feel ok the next....swishing with buttermilk helps mouth infections (I think it's a yeast thing)...some of these meds have the same effect as chemo....which will make you more apt to get infections.  Yogurt is good balances the ph in your body.


Hi Paul,  I always got sores with mtx.  I would raise my folic acid and they would clear up pretty quickly.  Just double your dose.  Good luck.  MOUTH SORES REALLY HURT