Help fallen...But did get up. | Arthritis Information


 Okay everyone ..thio is how it went down. Strom blew up and had to shut the garage door down. I went out into the garage to do so..and my right leg went to sleep again and before I knew I was on the floor.

Cut my ankle, bruised mu sholuer ad thigh and now my back is killing me. I took 2 Aleve..working quite nice for now.
Put this on the list of what not to do!

OWIE! I hope you feel better soon. Watch them garage doors! Especially when wind is involved.
Take it easy a couple of days and get well!
I'm sorry to hear of your fall! Please be careful! I know from experience just how damaging falls can be, and some of us have other conditions in addition to our RA. Thesse conditions can effect your balance, sense of touch, etc. And can allow our bones break more easily.
Take care
Hugs, Nini
You sound as accident prone as I am. Hope you feel better soon.   
