Dr"s Apontment Tomorrow. Yikes! | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone. I am so anxious about my Dr's appointment tomorrow. I have a very long list of things to present. I also have a long form for medical history for my disabilty for him to fill out. I am worried that I will take time away from his other patients and that makes me feel bad and nervous.

Am I being anxious about nothing? I am not a very talketive person, and it's very hard for me to express what I need to say and I feel I may not tell my Dr. what is on my list.
Anyone eles feel like this at times?
Sounds perfectly normal to me.  Remember, your doctor works for YOU.  He/she is likely getting a couple hundred bucks for the consultation (whether from your pocket or your insurer).  Make the most of it.  Make a list, prioritize it, and make two copies.  Give one to the doctor, and keep the other one so you don't forget what's on it.  Go over it together.  Take notes.  Call the office back if you get home and think of something else later, or are confused about anything that was discussed at the office visit.   Two lists are a great idea!!Best wishes for a good appt, Poet. Don't be nervous. They are people too. (Some of 'em) lol
Keep us posted.
take care
I'm not sure that I'd give a brand new RD a disability form to fill out on the first visit.  You need to spend your whole appointment time trying get an understanding of what's happening to your body.  You've got numerous symptoms and he needs to be focused on your physical examination and talking with you.  The time shouldn't be spent on trying to fill out a disability form with a hundred questions.  How can he form an opinion about how disabled you are and relate that to disability with just one visit?  Doing it this way is setting yourself up for disappointment.  How can you justify disability when you haven't been prescribed RA meds to try.  They may be your miracle drug and you can go back to work.  Maybe I missed some posts someplace but I don't remember if you've tried RA drugs or not.  Disability wants to know what medical treatment and medications you've taken and failed.  Think about this before you go in for your appt. and hand him a disability form to fill out.  He can fill it out later when he's more familiar with your case.  With the symptoms you've been describing this isn't going to be a one time appt.  You're going to be seen numerous times, have labs, be prescribed meds, and possibly have xrays.   Lindy  I agree with Lindy. Focus on this new doctor and getting that behind you before you approach him with the disability form. I don't remember all of your circumstances.....but that sounds like the best course of action to me. I guess you misunderstood me. I said I am looking for a new RD. The Dr. I seeing today is my Family Doctor.Thanks everyone!LP
Best of luck at your appointment today. You have waited a long time for this appointment so do not worry about taking up the doctor's time and making people wait. It's your turn now- you need whatever time it takes.
I agree with JasmineRain's suggestion of the 2 lists- that's what I do every time. I have 2 I am taking to my RD appointment today. I make sure I keep a pencil handy too so I can jot down anything he tells me that I think I might forget.
I'm not sure what type of disability you are filing for. If you cannot work-you need to have some money coming in so you don't have the option of waiting.
After your doctor examines you- you must discuss with them that you have left your job because you were unable to work because of ________________. I got my temporary disability forms from my employer. There was a portion for them to fill out, me and my doctor. I think I only had 30 days from when I left my job to file this form or it would cause delays and problems. I collected for 2 months-got better with meds and went back to work.
Let us know how you make out today!
I felt that way too but since I had typed it up I just handed it to him with the copies of my labs and he read it and answered my questions as well as reading my symptoms I had listed and what I had been tested for and the results of the tests. I feel a lot better now, he was a new Dr and I was really nervous.  Good Luck Lostpoet,
The copies of the list is an excellent suggestion.  The diagnosis process is long and tedious so ask your questions and tell the doctor you were forced to quit work because of these symptoms.  The temporary disability sounds like an idea.  My doctors suggested that to me but I declined going that route and have continued to work through this process (as my job is fairly flexible and my employers were fantastic).  That may be an option worth exploring.  Honestly, I am feeling so much better like Lin B was saying about how the drugs are working so well that it allowed me the time and relief from pain and stiffness to get my life back.  Anyway, good luck and keep us posted...Hiking_gal

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