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Hello everybody here.

I am from china.My sister now is 29 years old,also got this pain for many years.Already see a lot of doctor ,but no use.I dont know in other contry have some idea for this pain.Every time I see my sister,she really pity .She  is very thin.Only 37KG.And aslo wrist and some other joint already destroyed.

Every morning she wake up early and do exersise.very slowly walking .Only can do this.

Who can help me.Pls do give me some sugestion for this.


In the world ,have any good medicine and technic for this RA or not.


Hi Shirley,

I'm sorry to hear about your sister Generally RA is treated with
medicines called disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and anti-
inflammatoriers to help take the swelling and pain away. It's good that your
sister can go walking, it can help to keep her stiffness away. Make sure she
goes at her own pace though, and not to do it if it hurts. Is there a doctor
there she can see? I'm not saying chinese medicine is inferior, but maybe it's
time for her to try western medicine if the chinese medicine is not helping.

Ni hao Shirley, I'm glad you are concerned about your sister. I was treated with Chinese medicine in Beijing last year and did not respond to the treatment. I had a very bad skin condition that was itchy and red. My Chinese client noticed that I was very uncomfortable and insisted on taking me to the hospital. It was very crowded and everyone on the floor saw my butt because there was no privacy.

I think that western medicine is best for your sister. Try to find a doctor to prescribe prednisone, " Prednisone, a corticosteroid, is similar to a natural hormone produced by your adrenal glands." This would help relieve some of the pain very quickly. It does not cost much in the US and should be available in China. This medicine is will not stop RA, but help with inflammation. A typical US dose would be 20mg or more either daily or every other day. There are other Western medicines that help stop the RA from damaging joints, tendons and muscles.

Many Western doctors will prescribe  Plaquenil (also call hydroxychloroquine) which may take many months to help. Please keep in mind that the medicine names may be different in other countries. There are other drugs that help like Plaquenil, so some doctors might use other medicines.

The next line of drugs might start with methotrexate. This is very powerful medicine and not everyone can tolerate it. Again, there are other medicines that help like methotrexate but are different and might be preferred over methotrexate in other countries.

The newest type of drugs are referred to as "biologics" which are usually injected or administered in IV form. These are very, very expensive and most people in the US could not afford them without insurance. These drugs stop RA and help people return to many activities. Some drug names are Enbrel, Humira and Remicade.

Search websites for drug names and look for rheumatoid arthritis. You will have many questions answered if you can search the internet.

Most of what I have told you is based on my personal experience and others have had different experiences. Come back here for other advice.

Please let us know what treatment you find.



MIke,  That is a wonderful reply.  I cannot add anything except that you have some good advice.  Welcome Shirley.  Your sister is lucky to have you. 

Now my sister uses honeybee .It is awful .But she said she feel very confortable after finished.I dont know this can be stop or not.It just local idea .It is not science maybe

Mike ,are you in china now.Do you know where can I buy BIOLOGIC. I just start work,have no too much money.If it can help her ,I can borrow money .



Hi Shirley,

It's worth your sister trying something like hydroxychloroquine or
sulfasalazine or methotrexate first, because they work very well for a lot of
people, and they are not as expensive as the biologics. They are much,
much cheaper, but can help to stop the disease making her joints worse.

Good luck!

Hello Chelsea,

My sister already stoped using these thing.Cause she thougt it detroyed her stomach.Also some joint is deformity.I should take her to hospital again I think.

Thank you


my hotmail is tinaqiu20@hotmail.com

Shirley, I'm not in China now. I agree with albear. The biologic is the last thing you try. If you can get her to a western educated doctor, that would be best.

Good luck!


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