Prednisone is wonderful | Arthritis Information


Was kinda scared about side effects, but so far none (only on day 2), and I woke up feeling much better although still not "normal", but not as swollen or stiff as I usually am and my swollen shoulder/back was even feeling better. It makes me want to stay on for longer than 2 weeks although I know I can't and they will probably not continue to work, but I feel better, and that is a good thing.  I felt so good I forgot to take my NSAIDs this morning...oops. That is GREAT! So glad you're feeling better! I have been having a love affair with those wee pills. lolol

All going well, tomorrow you are gonna feel like a box of birds. And thats a good thing.
jennmommi, it's amazing what predezone can do in such a short time. Glad you are feeling some relief. YEAH!!!

It is the drug we hate to love but if you have to stay on it long enough to have the facial hair, weight gain, moon loses it's appeal.

Yeah I don't wasn't to have to be on it long term but maybe I can get a dx soon and get on other meds and start feeling better before long, this gives me hope that there is a possibility of a better quality of life for me in the future than what I have been experiencing the past 8 months.  No doubt- it's the best thing for you right now! I'm sorry- after I posted I thought to myself there was no need to rain on Jenni's parade. Open mouth - insert foot. That was really jerky of me.
WTBF, I didn't think you were being jerky, I thought it was funny.  Been there, looked like that!!  Lindy
Haha I don't think you were jerky either, I am not too sensitive about what people write, I take it with a grain of salt. I know the side effects and was wary about taking it, but glad I did. He even asked me if I was "willing" to try it and I said at this point after 8 months of feeling like I've been hit by a freight train I'd try just about anything.  Amen to that...I couldn't agree more...Hiking_galMe too Lindy!!! That's why I blurted it out. Thanks for making me better- I was beating myself up- I thought maybe I had hurt someone feelings and I don't like to do that.

WTBF, OMG I could have been the poster child for longterm Prednisone users!!!!  Have gotten much better since tapering off.  I only have a half moon face, the blonde werewolf look is gone because I have my face waxed, and I'm not shaped like a funny looking balloon animal.   I dreaded looking in the mirror the last year or so but once you're off steroids you start to look normal again. 

Jenna, you don't have to worry about any of this with a burst pack, so don't worry.


Jenni- thanks for letting me know I didn't make you feel bad!
Lindy- for awhile there every morning before I put my contacts for distance in I would snip off my moustache (once I put my lenses in the moustache "went away" regardless). Then one day I noticed I had grown substantial side burns but I had no idea how long they had been there and I had been walking around like that! I don't even want to talk about my's still with me.
I love prednisone too.
I have been on it 3yrs at low dose and no side effects, not even the munchies.
Thing that bugs me is that i could be on 10-15mg and do super great but they won't put me on it cuz of bone damage in the future that (might) happen.  But, i am already getting damage from the RA now in the bone and joint.
I am sorry, but i want to feel good for years and then worry about damage instead of not feel good from this day on.
I am glad it is working for you!!!!!!
I am glad to read how well the pred is working. How are your ankles? Just curious if they are better too.

Most of the side effects happen after you take it a while, like I have to. Hopefully you'll be in disease modifying medication DMARDs soon.

If he thinks you have AS, they are going to want the biologicals or TNFs or both fast. MTX works well for shoulders, etc but only the TNFs work for the spine. Its really important to stop the damage in your spine. I recommend reading up on all the meds. You have had delays because of lack of diagnosis you want to be sure to do what ever you can to limit any more delays. He might want to start you on both immediately. My doctor did and I stupidly refused the MTX and made the situation worse. My fault.

So glad to read you are feeling better.