I am flaring again! | Arthritis Information


I can not believe it I am flaring again my middle finger rt hand this time it is the top joint last wk it was the knuckle. I get to see a new rhuemy in 3 wks. I tryed to tell my old rhuemy that I did not feel good and about the pain all over he was supposed to give me new meds if my liver count was down and it was but he was so busy he only gave me 5 min and then up the same meds and blew me of. I no longer have morning stiffness I have all day I feel like frankeinstein I try not to take too many pain pill but my dr gives me hell and says I need too cause the stress of the pain will make me worse. I have a couple of really important things to do today and hopefully I get them done before the pain and movement become bad it is just starting it usally gets worse and will peak all day tomorrow and sunday and by monday be better. I do not know why dr do not listen to us if the specialist just listened I knew I was getting worse but he would not listen so upsetting. Well I will have to ride it out my 6yr old is home from school today as the teachers are on strike  anyways thanks for listening.....TERESAHope you feel better Teresa.  It is so hard to get a good doctor to listen.  Don't give up.  It takes some time to get the meds right. 
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