Like the new doc | Arthritis Information


I saw my new RD today and I really like him. He's an older gentleman and seemed like his only interest was to help me. Of course nothing was swollen, but he poked and prodded and twisted and made of note of what hurt. When I explained my medical history and described symptoms, he actually talked with me about them instead of just sitting there and nodding his head. He said that he is torn between RA and Fibro for a dx. He ordered enought bloodwork that the lab took 15 vials of blood. I see him in two weeks and I noticed on teh copy of notes that he gave me for my PCM he noted that he may need an MRI.  The only thing I don't like is that his office is 40 minutes away, but it was so worth it. I didn't leave there feeling like he though I was crazy!!

Sounds like he's a "keeper!"  I'm so glad you had a great appointment.  My RD order a lot of blood tests too.  I felt like I wasn't going to have any blood left when they were done.
I told the lab tech it was a good thing hubby was taking me out to lunch right afterward! Good appt.  Someone who listens to you, does an examination to feel and look at the joints.  I'm glad you found a doctor who you're comfortable with.  LindyThat's Geart! So happy for you!Some doctors are worth the drive. Mine is about 45 minutes away as well....but he's worth it.
Glad you liked him.
So happy for you!!!!wonderful!!
 45 minutes is well worth it.
 I have to drive  about an hour through winding back country roads to get to mine and believe me its worth it to have a dr who cares about you as a person.
I'm lucky we have a Rhuemy in town.  Otherwise, anything specialty is over an hour away.  So 45 minutes isn't bad.  Glad you were impressed with him.sounds great, carolinagirl!!  I'm glad you found a dr you feel good about.