MTX & Elevated Liver Panels? | Arthritis Information


How many of you have had elevated liver enzymes while on MTX? I've been on it more than 5 years....probable more like 6 & 1/2 now and just recently my liver enzmyes have been elevated.

My doctor had me redraw about three weeks after the original one and it too came back elevated. I went back and had it drawn last week. I also had blood work done this week for an unrelated surgery and they reported elevated liver enzymes. My RD hasn't received the labs from my GP's blood draw this week I suppose because I haven't heard from him yet.
My RD had me reduce my MTX to 20mg, swear off my could of glasses of wine a week and no tylenol which I never took anyway. I was prescribed darvecet after my surgery yesterday but it says it can elevate liver enzymes; so I'm not taking that unless absolutely nessesary.
Curious as to what's next for me. I'm wondering if he'll reduce the MTX even more. I hate to think of it because I really like my MTX....but Liver problems is not something I want to ad to this mix.
I know a few of you ave had this problem. Like to hear your experience. The surgery center asked if my RD had ordered a liver biopsy yet. I said "Uh, no!" sure don't want that! That's not nessesary is it?
Yikes Lovie- hope they go down. I was just talking to my RD about this Thursday. I to am on MTX with success but I have begun to revert to my old ways of drinking Martini's. Not every day like I used to but on the weekends. Every weekend and I have been guiltily enjoying myself. My liver enzmyes came back fine so it was giving me some security.
I was still concerned however so I came clean and told him exactly how much I was drinking and asked if it wasn't OK since I was monitored every other month and my levels were good. He said unfortunately it was not. He said you can go on for a very long time with everything looking fine and then BANG your liver is affected.
Hope everything works out ok for you and no biopsy is needed. I will be watching for your posts and I will take this as a wake up call for myself.
Best of luck to you.
I had elevated liver enzymes after about 12 months on mtx , i was taken off it for 4 weeks then tested again. the rhuemy said it wasnt worth the risk to stay on it and put me on Arava instead. The Arava has been great and my liver is now fine.I too have always had a few glasses of wine a week and the occational late weekend night out with friends were I had more than my usual. My liver panels have always been fine and my doctor said a little here and there was ok provided my panels were good. I don't drink that much so I really hesitate to blame it on that. I haven't had a drop in weeks so I was hoping they would return to normal. Looks like that hasn't been the case so far.
Ally; I'm going to have to do some research on Arava because I'm afraid he might just take me off on MTX and I know from experience the lower dose hasn't been too effective for me. I am on Humira now though so a lower dose might be ok....but if it still messes with my liver I might be best to go off it all together. We'll see.
HRT can also cause elevated liver enzymes; perhaps you might want to re-evaluate that treatment? I don't drink.  I realized alcohol is a depressant and was negatively affecting my life.
If anyone has a question about whether or not they have a problem with alcohol, A.A. has a 20 questions questionnaire which you can look at.  I know several people who came to A.A. after having liver problems.  It can be the thing that gets people sober. Website is
I don't have a problem with alcohol; I know that for sure. I like it...but can easily live without it.
I've been off my HRT for a couple months now. (Forget about that signature line need to change that) I didn't realize that could be a problem for your liver.
Hi Lovie, I've had liver enzymes elevated once.  Was off MXT for a month and restarted.  That was a year ago and to date no problems.  I may have one drink every couple of months so I don't think alcohol was an issue.  If your labs continue to be elevated, don't be surprised if your doctor takes you off MXT and then suggests a liver biopsy if they continue to be elevated.  Hopefully, they'll return to normal.  Lindy  Hi Lovie, my liver enzymes have been mildly elevated for the last year and my Dr is just watching them monthly for now.
I have had a rectal/vaginal and a colonal/bladder fistula in the last year also so I may have to stop all of the RA meds since our immune systems prevent colon/rectal fistulas from growing, lol.  The surgery was major and took 3 months to recover from.
I will be looking at alternatives to immune system depressant meds.
I hope that your liver enzymes get back to normal soon.
Take care
I hope for your health however it can be achieved.Lovie, I took myself off MTX after sudden, very high enzyme levels and fired the rheumatologist so my family practitioner is in charge of my RA, which even the AF says a FP can do. 
I am a 17 year recovering alcoholic and drinking with this disease is dangerous and stupid for me, and I am sure that's why my pickled liver rejected MTX. 
The Minocin has been outstanding for my low RA disease blood indicators.  If I have to call in the big guns, I have alot of room to manuever. 
I had elevated liver from my lymphoma chemotherapy. This is going back to last November. They remained somewhat elevated since but I tested better last month according to my doctor. A good thing given the NSAIDs I've been on.

Takes some time for the liver to clean up its act.

What were your numbers mab? I never even asked my RD I just said how high. The nurse said not too high; but elevated. The second time I too it she said it was higher but I didn't ask again. (stupid, stupid, stupid!) I did ask that lady from the surgery center and she said one was 116 and the other was 117. I can't remember what she called the test. I don't even know what normal should be. I've tried looking it up but with out knowing the name of the test I'm not having much luck. Lovie, you can't really compare numbers with anyone else.  Too many factors to take into consideration.  I had a very small elevation in labs one other time and my RD didn't like the lab that I went to.  I went to it because I was too lazy to drive across town to my usual lab. He said there had been problems with lab values from that particular lab and he wasn't confident in the lab reports.  A few days later I had the tests repeated at my usual lab and they were normal.  I always have all my labs done at the same lab, lesson learned.  LindyMilk Thistle is cheap and really keeps the liver healthy. New studies have shown it works by increasing the strength of the cell walls of the liver, thereby making them harder to damage and decreases scarring.

A daily gentle liver flush is also helpful to stimulate bile production:

One scrubbed lemon, including seeds and rind
1 tbsp organic cold pressed olive oil

Frappe in blender for about one minute. Strain through a fine metal sieve, pushing down with a rubber spatula to separate the juice from pulp. drink.

You can add frozen orange juice3 concentrate, honey or other sweeteners if it's too tart for you. I like it plain just fine.

Also, drink lots of water. Good luck, Lovie!Lovie
I had a big spike of liver enzymes last November from Arava. It took 4 months after stopping the drug to get back to normal.
You might ask your doc for tramadol instead of darvacet because it contains no tylenol - it is easier on the liver. There is little point to suffering needlessly.
I take tramadol. My surgern gave me darvacet after a small surgery this past week; but I didn't take any of it.