Cola Syrup for relief of simple nausea | Arthritis Information


I just saw an ad for Cola Syrup which is hard to find but has been around for decades, quick acting, pleasant tasting.  In I've often used Coke for simple nausea.  It has worked for me.  This company has alot of helpful stuff for home repair and maintenance.Emetrol is the same thing - it's a cola-flavored fructose syrup with phosphoric acid (just like in Coca-cola syrup).  It's available at most drugstores in the USA.  My stepmom swore by the stuff when we were little.  Personally, I always got better relief from a regular Coke - but the Emetrol seemed to work for my siblings.
We always left a glass of coke on the counter to go flat and then we would drink it when we had tummy troubles. [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]We always left a glass of coke on the counter to go flat and then we would drink it when we had tummy troubles.[/QUOTE]

I've always found that the bubbles help with digestive unrest.  Probably because they force you to burp, which often goes quite a long way towards fixing the problem!  And if that doesn't alleviate the nausea, then the carbonation can definitely speed up removal of offending stomach contents.LOL we were trying NOT to bring up the stomach contents- hence the flat coke. It was to settle a stomach that had been heaving. [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]LOL we were trying NOT to bring up the stomach contents- hence the flat coke. It was to settle a stomach that had been heaving.[/QUOTE]

Yea, but honestly... sometimes the only way to stop the nausea is to empty out and start over.  Given the choice between fighting for hours to keep down something yearning to break free, or simply releasing it back into the wild, brushing my teeth, and going to bed... I'm gonna set it free.

Mom- I feel like I'm going to throw up! Go in the bathroom! Noooooooooooooooooo! Retch retch retch- Ok all the sheets, all the blankets, all the story books, all the stuffed animals, etc. now need to be washed!
Flat lemonade or coke and a plain biscuit used to work wonders for my kids when they were littleyou can get coke syrup from coca cola or pepsi by adding sugar or sugar subsitute.. IDK how or why but the fizz is gone ...and you have the coke left to coat your stomach..I also have found the carbonation of Coke helpful.Coca cola brand straight out of a can works as good if not better. I think it is better than gingerale for settling a queezy stomach. We use it a lot at the hospital. [QUOTE=lorster]Coca cola brand straight out of a can works as good if not better. I think it is better than gingerale for settling a queezy stomach. We use it a lot at the hospital. [/QUOTE]

Yep - when I have surgery, I refuse the morphine PCA and instead ask for "script" of Coca-cola with two vicodin upon awakening.  Morphine makes me hurl.
Morphine makes a lot of people hurl, lol. morphine made me I know why people do heroinLorster-
Glad they use this in the hospital.  Benign treatment
Still like this.didn't read every response..
but coke syrup....
you can create it by adding a little sugar or even equal or another nonsugar sweetner...
and it coats the upset stomach..
Just used it Saturday night w/ son (13) who got the icks!
saltine crackers with coke helps me when I feel sick. I used that every morning when I was pregnant with my daughter some 20 years ago. It worked just fine. You have to eat and drink before putting feet on the floor and getting out of bed. Helps with dizziness too.Coke or coke syrup helps me.  Believe it or not,  extreme cold upsets my stomach!!  The last few days I have had some Pepsi to settle it down.  Helps alot, no side effects!!!!!!yes coke!   real coke!   well or sick it is by far my choice of beverage.boy the wonders of coke, We used it all the time, now the doctor keeps us in pills from drug store.
About 50 years ago I was driving in pouring down rain, when the wipers stopped working.  pull in gas station and the young man couldn't fix them. He went and got a bottle of coke and poured it on my windshield,  It worked, the water slid off and I could see to get home.
There was a lot of quick fixes back then,  a bar of soap will cog a small hole in radator, panty hose will stop a leaking hose.  all temp. to get you home. 
[QUOTE=wonderwoman]yes coke!   real coke!   well or sick it is by far my choice of beverage.[/QUOTE]

AMEN!  I think Coke can cure anything, even if it's only for a few minutes at a time!I sure could use some cola right about now if it would help with this nausea. Unable to eat today.  I did drink the boost drink I talk about a lot here. so that's something. but I am running low-grade temp.,  have headache, and nausea.  nothing in the stomach to get rid of and start again so would love to just settle the stomach so I can at least eat a little something to take my pills.  no pills for me today either..  better days ahead hopefully.
Lorster what do you do at the hospital.  They are the one of the few still hiring, hospitals, teachers, technology.
Do you have to walk a lot? 
I am not able to be happy without working, so will train for something in one of those areas.
GOod luck.  As some have said, cola and crackers can be good.
