Pain free for the first time in 2 1/2 years! | Arthritis Information


I saw my neurologist and rheumatologist Monday and came home upset. They said the imuran is not working and the neurologist agreed that I am having some cognitive problems and need to find out why.

Anyway, I was switched to Cellcept which I started Tuesday. This morning I woke up early (been sleeping a lot) got out of bed and was amazed to find I had no pain (except where I have OA, and was not tired. I just stood there amazed. All day I have felt like I have just woken up and come out of the fog. I'm thinking better and noticing things. Stayed up until 11 watching a movie with my family. I am afraid to go to bed because I don't want today to end. I had no idea how bad I felt. I feel so bad that my family has had to deal with me being in such a state the last couple of years. I just hope it lasts.
I hope it lasts too! Congrats! Enjoy every minute! Hope it's the Cellcept and the good results are permanent!

I am so happy for you!  That's awesome.  


Yes the lifting of the brain fog is the best part. I just can't get over what an improvement it is - how have I worked like that the last 2 years?! On Monday both my drs told me I should not be working full time anymore. Now that I feel better, I can see they are right, if it gets that bad again, I need to make changes.  I had some cognitive testing done that I did not do well on. I wish I could do it now - I think I would do a lot better.
Wonderful news! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Enjoy!  laker, i don't even know you, but i'm soooooooo
Happy and delighted for you!!
  I've had that happened before... enjoy and i hope you feel the same wonderful way for a looooooong time!
blessings and joy~
  and yes, do cut hrs!! :)
Laker, that's the best thing I've heard all day!
I hope you have many more good days headed your way!f
Hi Laker.  I've been away on vacation and was so happy to come back to your encouraging post.  I'll pray this lasts forever!! Hugs.
Hi Jesse,
I hope you had a good vacation. I continue to be amazed by the difference. Every morning I get up worried I will feel bad again and am delighted to find I feel good. I am very tired tonight though. I think I may have gotten a little carried away - we will see what the morning brings. I am curious why the imuran did not work and the cellcept did.

Laker - that's the most exciting thing I've heard! 

Congrats and keep us posted!
Wow! That is awesome news. I hope it will last for you.
Laker, how are you doing today?  Hi Jesse,
I am still feeling very good. I had a little more stiffness this morning but it is rainy and I have OA. I was very tired last night and went to bed at 8:30 but was fine today. I need to remember that I feel much better, but am not cured and pace myself better. How are you doing?
Hi Laker,
It's great when you get this level of relief, I hope it lasta a long long tiem for you.
take care,
Great news!  I sure do understand how you might overdo it when you're feeling so well, but you're right, you have to pace yourself.  I expect that as you continue to have those good days you won't feel the need to play "catch up" and do too much. 
I'm feeling quite good since the injectible MTX kicked in, but the side effects have been a problem and have made it necessary to add yet another drug to my mix.  I've also come to realize that when I do have a flare, it's worse than when I first started the meds, which tells me the drugs are just suppressing my symptoms while the disease is still progressing.  I've been researching AP and I'm very seriously considering that route.  I feel like I owe it to myself to at least give it a try.  The RA meds just aren't working out for me but I'm so happy for your success.  Keep up the good work!!
I kept on too long with the imuran - I think I was in denial about how bad things were getting. It was just slowly progressing which meant the drug was not working - just like you describe. You do need to try something else. I wish I had not waited so long. I hope you find something that works for you soon.
Great that you are feeling great.

Make sure you get plenty of rest at night and don't go over doing things and you will continue to improve...........
Oh, that's wonderful news Laker  It's always good to hear someone is getting good relief.
What class of med is cellcept?  Wonder if it's available in NZ as I want some!!!
Cellcept is an immunospressant and a DMARD. It is used to prevent rejection in heart, liver and kidney transplant patients and for lupus , arthritis and vasculitis. It actually has a lower cancer risk than imuran I was taking and has been around a long time. But I was shocked to find my rx is 5 a month. Fortunately my copay was only . I still feel a bit guilty about the cost, but it is working great. My dr was trying to decide between MTX and cellcept. My daughter always got sick on MTX so I asked to go with the cellcept. It is a guessing game to find what works for an individual.
