Major stomach issues | Arthritis Information


this just started in the last two weeks.... Several mornings a week I wake up nauseous..... very nauseous...

I've had to delay going into work sometimes because I feel so bad.. but I cannot vomit and get rid of the feeling....
I can't take it for much longer.. I'm taking prevacid to help but it's temporary relief...
I'm sure it's the combination of meds... daypro (NSAID), MTX and my requip .. that is affecting my stomach...
I can ask for injectable MTX .... but I need an NSAID .. and if I continue to take prevacid it will reduce the absorption of other meds, yes??
I take all my evening meds, MTX, NSAID, Requip, w/ food..... sandwich style.. but I'm still feeling very badly and it has to be the meds......
anyone have experience like this?
any solutions I may want to consider?
thanks so much,
Definitely talk to your doctor about this.  Prevacid does not necessarily reduce absorption of all medications.  There are lots of different NSAIDs.  If Daypro is contributing to the nausea perhaps it's time to try another one.  And the Requip... nausea is the chief side effect from that drug.  The company's own literature shows that 60% of patients suffer from nausea while taking it, and nausea is the leading reason for discontinuation.  You might want to consider an alternate strategy for RLS. Do you think eating some saltines before you get out of bed might help? I remember doing that for morning sickness...thank God it's not that -right?! [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Do you think eating some saltines before you get out of bed might help? I remember doing that for morning sickness...thank God it's not that -right?![/QUOTE]

If it's from the Requip, saltines probably aren't going to help.  It targets the dopamine system in the brain, and a cracker ain't gonna override that.(((((((((((((((babs))))))))))
i can soo relate!! i'm not taking the same meds, you are, but i've been feeling soo sick and nauseous , all the time!.. and my stomach hurts.. whether i eat or not.. my Rhem Dr thinks its a separate matter, but considering all the meds, i'm on .. i'm really thinking it has to be RA related!!
Nothing sounds good.. except bread and butter.. thats it.. ahh saltines.. thanks .. hadn't even thought of that, as i've run out of bread!!
and soup.. but.. the nausea is killing me, its also like 95 degrees out, and i have ac.. but still.. (its off at night)... its frustrating.
and oh the throwing up.. yeah, same w/ me, can't..
i'm either stopped up.. or the other..
(i hate details, lol.. but tummy is not happy)!!
so i feel for you.. and if anyone else has ideas for either of us.. thanks
and y'all  do you think nausuea, no matter what meds, you're on and tummy stuff Is Ra related?
not fun....[QUOTE=JasmineRain]Definitely talk to your doctor about this.  Prevacid does not necessarily reduce absorption of all medications.  There are lots of different NSAIDs.  If Daypro is contributing to the nausea perhaps it's time to try another one.  And the Requip... nausea is the chief side effect from that drug.  The company's own literature shows that 60% of patients suffer from nausea while taking it, and nausea is the leading reason for discontinuation.  You might want to consider an alternate strategy for RLS. [/QUOTE]
Jas. I hate the requip.. I've asked the neuro to prescribe something else.. and I've even cut my dose in half.. takes longer to work..but it's still working.. but I hate the feeling it gives me.. and this nausea!!  ugh!!
IDk what other options there are.. neuro said this is the best thing..  I cannot imagine that Parkinsons patients take 30 times what I take... what does it do to them????
I don't know what my other option may be...... 
MTX and NSAIDS can cause the nausea too.  Definitely talk to your doctor.  But you might also try taking an antacid with each dose.  I take two maximum strength Tums three times a day with my meds.  I ensure I have something on my stomach (i.e. 1/2 an English Muffin and peanut butter for breakfast), then pop the meds, then the other 1/2 of English Muffin.  About 1/2 an hour after my meals I pop two Tums.  The calcium is good for you too. 
Good luck!
RA, OA (spine), Remicade (max does) /MTX (oral - max dose)/Folic Acid/Leucovorin/Caltrate/Vitamins and of course Tums as a chaser
I take aciphex with my mobic...rx by my that like prevacid? [QUOTE=KatieG]I take aciphex with my mobic...rx by my that like prevacid?[/QUOTE]

Yep - same pharmacological class.  It does the same thing.
[QUOTE=babs10]iscontinuation.  You might want to consider an alternate strategy for RLS. [/QUOTE] Hope you find the cause SOON. 
Good luck to you
I know that I always have RLS ... every night.. but some nites it starts earlier than others.. some it's brought on by cold feet!!!  like right now in my freezing office!!!
Oh I have had stomach issues.  Always feeling sick or getting sick.  Then some days like nothing.  Heartburn and acid reflux as well.  Only got worse after the gall bladder was out.
My doc finally sent me to a gastro (whatever they are called) doc.  He did test and I had reason for being sick all the time.  Two weeks ago I ended up having surgery.  More than they expected too.  So I am slowyly trying to heal.
GOod luck to you.
Hope you are well.
Ugh....I always worry about coming down with crohn's disease.

I can't say specifically, but eating a diet rich in probiotic foods seems to help stave off these problems. It's hard when most people are on so many meds, though.