I was disagnosed the other day | Arthritis Information


I spent the last four months in intense pain. It started with my rib cage. They said my ribs were just inflamed and gave me some ibuprofen. The next week all my joints started hurting. And my tendons.

I kept going back to the doctors and going through tests, but everything came back healthy. They kept telling me I was perfectly healthy and suggested it was all in my head.
The pain got worse. Ive been real drained. Id wake up in the morning and it would hurt so much I didnt want to get out of bed and go to work. The last two weeks it's been the worst. I finally went to see a specialist and within five minutes she could tell I had psoriatic arthritis.
I'm on some medications now. Some temporary ones until the test results come back tell the doctor what the best prescription for me would be. The pain has eased up a bit. but its still very unpleasant.
Right now, I'm still trying to cope as I have since i found out last week. Ive been reading up on it and I dont really like the thought of feeling this pain for every day the rest of my life. I'm only 28 years old and I still have so much I want to see and do and now I dont know if Ill even be able to still move in five years let alone reach my dreams. I know I may be over reacting but its just been too much lately.
How do you cope with this pain? Its like nothing Ive ever experienced before, even with medication and pain killers. I dont want to become some vegetable or someone who sits around doing nothing with life like some people. I want to have a successful job and a family.  I also dont want to get bitter and angry. I'm just really confused right now and no one really seems to understand what I'm going through. All my friends and family can say is it will work out and they are there for me. Which is good I know. But it doesnt make me feel any better.
So I guess I'm looking for some help. How have you guys coped? How do you keep going with life?

Hi Avatar and welcome to the forum.  PsA is very painful.   It didn't cause as much inflammation and swelling as RA did for me but it caused much more pain.   You're in the early stages of active PsA and if you start medication as soon as possible there is a high probablity that you'll achieve clinical remission.   What meds are you on?  When is your next appointment with the RD? 

I was in my 50's when I had a severe onset of RA and was bedridden.   I searched for a drug cocktail that would help.....by that time all I wanted was to be able to walk.  I was on Prednisone for 4 years and then diagnosed with PsA.   Just recently have achieved clinical remission for RA and moderate lessening of the PsA symptoms.  I still have PsA flares and they are painful; am in the midst of one now but it seems to be subsiding.  PsA will get better with the newer dmards and biologics and like I said earlier you may reach remission.

The most important advice I can give you is to keep your family and friends close.  They will be your support mentally and physically on this journey.  Your RD is very important.  They should be aggressive, listen to you, be patient and available when you need them.  Most likely your RD will prescribe a dmard and a biologic like Enbrel or Humira.  They both have been approved  for PsA.  There are side effects from all of the RA/PsA medications but PsA can cause severe damage in a fairly short period of time if not controlled.....all this is sort of like a crap game.
I cope with the pain when needed with pain medication and Celebrex.  At your age and the stage that the disease has been diagnosed I don't see you sitting around like a "vegetable" or bitter and angry.  Granted I had to give up many things because of my age and damage that was done in those 4-5 years before I started Humira and MXT but I compensated and did other things that I enjoy.  Now that I'm in remission I'm back golfing 9 holes and can walk for many hours and even hike on flat surfaces.  Because you had to stop doing certain things due to pain doesn't mean that they're gone from your life forever.  They're not, they're just waiting for you to feel better and I believe it will happen for you. 
Keep us posted on how you're doing, what your doctor has to say and what meds you'll be on.  There's a ton of support and information on this forum.  Take care.  Lindy

Welcome Avatar!  PsA is something that we deal with every day.  Some days are better than others and I fully take advantage of the good ones.  I go for walks, swimming, to sporting events, shopping or whatever activity I can do within my limits.  No, life does not stop it is just adapted to fit what I call "my" lifestyle.  Make sure you have a strong support system as LinB mentioned as you will need them to understand your disease and the limitations that arise (i.e. flares).  My family is very supportive and I am so thankful.  I have had PsA for about 10 years but diagnosed just three years ago by a rheumy.  Mostly just because I don't like to see the dr and I did alot of sports so I just thought most of the aches & pains were from overdoing it.  Things are pretty good right now with the meds.  I am sure that the doctor will find the right mix for you in no time.

The Dr. gave  me Prednisone to deal with the pain until i could get some tests done to see which medication would be the best for me. Ill meet with her again Friday to find out what she wants to put me on.

I know I have some people who care about me, but I feel like Im doing nothing  but whining lately and its bugging me.
Ive just been having a rough time realizing I am not going to be able to do alot of the things I used to do or want to do. Today my friends were talking about dancing and I realized I have no clue if my joints can handle it anymore.
I don't know my limits. And I dont want to have  limits. I have having a built in excuse for not doing things because I dont want to be using it as an excuse just because something gets tough.
Not to mention this doesnt help dating life. I now instantly have baggage. Ive been seeing someone for a while and she is trying to be understanding, but I know this is taking a toll on her.  I dont know how long she can handle it.
Right now im just kind of going one day at a time. And its really throwing me for a loop because I am changing my entire lifestyle to do this.
Hi Avatar,
I am new to this as well...  I can relate to you, I feel like all i do is complain too.  I even complain about not wanting to start meds cause im scared to.  I have had this pain and swelling for about a year and a half and was diagnosed about 6 months ago.  Right now my pain has almost gone away, but is slowing coming back, so i know i am going to have to start meds soon, i am seeing a new Dr. next month.
I too am very active and this has slowed me down and it pisses me off quite frankly.. Im not sure i have fully accepted this disease just yet. I push through the pain most of the times cause i get angry cause i want to be able to do everything i normally do, but i pay for that..
I am slowly finding out what my limits are and i hate it as well, I too don't want limits...
The only thing i can say is change is hard, but with any change in life, we learn to accept it and make it part of our life and thus it becomes the new norm.
I hear you about the dating thing though, I already have 1 strike against me that makes it hard, cause i am a single mom, and now this.... So i totally understand where your coming from...
Somehow you will learn how to accept it (I'm trying to take my own advice as im typing it) and not let it run your life....
Hang in there.......You are definitely not alone....
A person isn't defined by their disease.  RA shouldn't define you as a person.  I understand perfectly about not being able to do the things you did before RA but you have to go on with your life and find things that you can do now.  I had a problem painting small details so I decided to go to a larger size canvas and changed my painting style to one that is more comfortable for me.  I also design jewelry and make jewelry.  I had to modify that but I'm still designing and doing commissioned pieces. 
There are new meds coming out yearly, sometimes more often to treat RA and PsA.  Granted the side effects are not pretty but I fear RA much more than I do the side effects of the drugs.  Once I went into clinical remission I was able to do all of the pre RA things that I couldn't do for years.  I golf, hike, garden, and feel terrific.  I have my energy and my mind back.  You have to search for clinical remission, it's not going to come knocking on your door.  You need to start medication, change meds if they're not working, go to another RD if the one you're seeing isn't helping you or isn't aggressive enough.  It's a complex disease and there are no pat answers or drugs.  It's trial and error but remission is possible and hopefully for both of you damage will be minimal or nonexistent. 
The most difficult aspect of having the disease is developing patience in dealing with the doctors, waiting for labs, and waiting for meds. to begin to work.  You have to have patience; if not, you'll drive yourself crazy.  Having RA and PsA is a whole new learning curve and you have to be open to doing things differently and finding ways to be happy with the disease.  I've had RA and PsA for over 10 years and it's taught me many things about myself, I've learned so much, I know who my friends really are, and I won't let it stop me from doing something just because there's the chance I might fail. 
I don't mean to preach.  You need to know that life doesn't stop because you have RA/PsA it continues and it's up to you if you want to participate.  Many people don't participate  for a variety of reasons or give up.  I'd like to think of both of you as fighters and champions.  Lindy
Okay, Ive got a sensitive question that maybe someone here can answer me. I wouldnt know where to get answers in this.
Can arthritis affect the sex life? I'm alittle worried about how the pain can interfere.  I am assuming that when medicated, it shouldnt be too big a problem.  But it is a concern.
BTW i have another appointment tomorrow so ill get my permenant medication then.
hi avatar, i dont know for sure for the man, do you have psoriasis. Men have been known to get it down below. i as a woman do feel exhausted by the end of the day.

I'm not really worried about the psoriasis. I have some but its never been a huge problem I am just worried about intense joint pains.


I saw the Dr. today. Looks like my tests have come out good. She put me on Methotrexate and some Folic Acid supplements. We are going to see how it works and keep getting tests.


Hi Avatar, am happy that you started some meds.  Can't help you with the sex life question.  I realy feel that it's an individual thing and how one deals with their pain.  I haven't seen anything related to meds and sex.  Take care and keep us posted.  Lindy
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