Do your joints ever pop and then feel better? | Arthritis Information


After feeling markedly better a couple of weeks ago, the aches and tenderness in my wrist has gradually come back and been as bad as ever.  Then today, doing some seemingly simple movement, I felt and heard a loud pop in my wrist that was, at first, excruciating.  Now, it moves as freely and effortlessly as can be.  What causes that?  What exactly "popped"?There could have been air in the joint..the joint itself could have been slightly out place and the particular movement that you did popped it back into place.  Having RA loosens the tendons etc. in a joint and that tends to make our joints pop in and out of place.

I have fingers that pop in and out of place and will be talking to my rheumy about getting some finger splints.  You could wear a wrist brace when you are doing anything like cleaning etc. to give your wrist some more support and lessen the chance of it slightly popping out of place. 
all the time..I've always figured for me its the inflammtion finally receeding enough to allow for joint movement...and the pop is the joint beginning to move again and breaking the adhesions that may have formed when it wasn't moving.  For me that pop usually hurts also.

Its a totally different sensation than "cracking" your knucklesMy toe joints get very painful and they used to pop all the time which was a relief, im finding it harder and harder to get them to pop nowadays but when they do its sheer bliss.lolYes!  Its totally different than cracking your knuckles.  It's almost like something breaks and at the time, it almost feels like it.  Now, if I could just get the rest of my joints to pop!
Happy labor day!
it seems like every joint in my body can pop. I do experience times when my fingers are really stiff and then they'll pop, which is very painful and then they start feeling more limberI get pops here and there but it is not a good feeling after.Usually a knee and
the pain just makes me cry at times. It is usually my own fault though, I just push
myself too much. I'm glad that it is a good feeling for you.

I used to get popping in my hips and knees for years, but now I get clunking that feels like the hip is going to pop out of joint.  My doctor assures me it won't but, it sure feels like it goes to the edge and then clunks back into the socket!  It is not a good feeling, but I can't say it is painful.  When I was dancing with my husband at my daughter's wedding, he could feel it through my body each step we took.  Freaked him out a little!  It also makes a noise that can be heard across the room.    Can't you picture us going step, clunk, step, clunk across the floor? 


When I'm having a flare, my left hip sounds like a sack of microwave popcorn.  Quite annoying! That happens to me alot with my neck, fingers, and ankles. It kind of makes it feel better. I have had my hip in and out a couple of times and that really hurt. I had to lay down for a couple of hours and wait for pain meds to kick in then I got up. Thank God the bed was there when it happened and I just fell on the bed. Both times it happened to my hip was when I was putting my leg into my pants and POP goes the ankle!Questions like this make me crazy...let me college I used to run every day and had pain in my right foot develop...the doctors couldn't figure it out.  (In retrospect I think it is because it was mild RA and they had me on naproxen from the get go...that didn't kill the pain but no swelling was visible).  Anyway I ended up dx with RSD in my foot even though they successfully treated with vioxx.  Whatever.
It subsided after a year or two and after I stopped running.  Right after this (and for years after) my feet are so noisy when I walk barefoot it's amusing. All the little joints in my feet pop constantly.  I would ask and ask what this was and would always hear "nothing to worry about, not related to anything."  now I'm convinced it is. 
It is also interested because I would always need to pop my right shoulder (big pop) before I was aware of having an RA in in.  It always felt great.  But never needed to pop the left.  Now I have inflammation in right, not left.  Also worried because the same is true of my back...I am always needing to pop my back.  But I never did "pop" anything in right hand/wrist before it started flaring.
I was hoping MTX was kicking in a while back b/c my right wrist was finally starting to pop in some felt GREAT, like it needed to be popped for a year.  I felt better after my MTX shot on Sat night and I'm still holding out hope that it is slowly kicking in!!
 Yeah, I dunno what it is that pops but if I don't pop my elbows, they get really stiff and hurt.