RA and Cervical Spine OA | Arthritis Information


The link below is a posting I made in the OA forum, but I thought I would solicit some help from you guys as well considering my issue seems to incorporate my RA symptoms too.
it probably has to do with the position your head is in while on the plane.  something inside your neck is slipping.  I don't understand with symptoms such as you've described why in the world you didn't go to the emergency room.  The only way for sure to know why it is happening is to get those MRI's while it is happening. C1-C2 arthritis can kill you if those ligaments get loose enough.  You can end up with permanat damage from the other cervical vertabrate.  You will never know which incidence of paralysis will be forever.
Was the dr you saw a neurologist?  have you called him again since this newest incident
I wonder if the change in air pressure causes swelling that is pressing on nerves? I definitely think you need to see a neurologist and get this checked out.  It sounds very scary!
At the very least, I would suggest taking prednisone prophalactically before any air travel!

Diane, call your doctor tomorrow and please believe what Buckeye has written about C1 and C2.  This is a serious symptom.  Lindy

I just wanted to welcome you to AI and encourage you to visit the RA section of the board more often. I don't have any experience with upper back and neck problems....but wanted to say hi.Thanks for all your feedback.  The doc I saw was a neurologist.  PCP ordered the MRI, but she referred me to the neurologist after seeing the results.  He is the one who sent me to Physical Theraprist.  You all are probably right.  I should call and let them know of the latest episode, especially since it was increased intensity and scope.  I did not realize about the C1 and C2 situation.  I guess since he said I did not need to restrict my activities that I stupidly assumed the he would have told me of such possibilities, but I should know better than that too.  Thanks for the advice.  I'll call the doc in the morning.  Might even go for a second opinion now.  Thanks again.paralyisis even for a short time period is nothing to fool around with
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