More on RA vaccine | Arthritis Information


This seems to be a different one than the one being developed in Australia. (I note neither the Australian one or this one is being developed by Big Pharma. Actually, Big Pharma does very little research---they buy research from universities, mostly----publically subsidised! So their argument they have to charge a lot because of drug research is bogus. Antoher thing they do is buy research like this and throw it away. A cured patient doesn't need a lifetime of drugs).

I have to admit I'd be a little leery about having this done to me before it's thoroughly understood, but if it works it could be a huge developemnt in many so called auto-immune diseases.

Hope for arthritis vaccine 'cure'

The hope is to give patients just one jab
A single injection of modified cells could halt the advance of rheumatoid arthritis, say UK scientists.
The Newcastle University team is about to start small-scale safety trials of the jab, which will hopefully stop the immune system attacking the joints.
The Arthritis Research Campaign, which is funding the project, said if successful the treatment would be "revolutionary".
It could be fully tested and available within five years.
Gimpy-a-gogo2008-09-02 08:43:49Wow that would be great!