My Big Toe!!! | Arthritis Information


My big toe did something weird this weekend. I was walking  in my living room (barefoot) and got a sudden intense pain in the big toe of my right foot. It swelled up huge, and turned white, I put ice on it and elevated it for awhile, the swelling went down and it still hurt, yesterday the pain went from the bottom of the toe (when pressure was on it,  to the whole toe (no pressure needed the whole thing hurt) and today it looks like I smashed it (black and purple) but there is no pain. I am thinking I busted a blood vessel but it is odd that I was not doing anything but walking when it happened. Anyone know what might have caused this or was it just a fluke?   Oh, so sorry about your toe. I don't have an answer but my toes, all stay swollen. Hope someone has an answer. Big hugs to you.

