How long have you been on your meds? | Arthritis Information


Question:  Has anyone that's been on their medications for several years, had problems down the road from them or caused more problems?

It's scary to me to think I will be on these strong meds the rest of my life , wondering if those medicines will cause any more problems. I try to stay positive, and think treating RA has come a long way, and people are living longer...but still scares me to know people with RA (from what I read) die sooner than a normal healthy person...I start to think of my kids etc. Just makes me really sad at times.
I also have a RA doc. that says I'm doing fine and never runs tests or checks on anything. (I am doing great right now except for the tremors I've started having) He says they only check your liver if you are on MTX or a different medication. I'm taking Plaquenil, Medrol and Celebrex. He hasnt checked my vit. d level since the first time i saw him and told me to take 2,000 mg of vit D daily.  I read an article someone found on here about Coronary artery disease being a silent killer for some with RA, and that's it's a good idea to get a cardiac work up...My Dr's never suggested that.
This is just one of those days that I'm worried.
I've been taking my meds for over 16 years now without too many problems...but I still worry.  But I also know that if I don't take these meds, then it'll be a lot worse than what MIGHT happen years later.I've been on fish oil for several years, and have also used naproxen off and on for the same time.  Occasionally I'll throw in a medrol dosepak.  Last fall we added plaquenil because the fish oil, naproxen, etc wasn't cutting it anymore.  I initially had some belly issues with the plaquenil, but after a few months (about the time it started to have a beneficial effect on the RA) the belly problems faded away.  I did lose about 5 pounds initially, though. I've only been on my meds for 8 months. I was worried at first but now I feel like- what will be- will be.I've been on Methotrexate for about ten years now, before that it was Sulphasalazine for about ten years. I've been on various anti-inflammtories for about 20 years and have just started on Humira.
I've not had any long term adverse effects and dread to think what I would be like now with out any meds at all.
