Car Wreck OT | Arthritis Information


My husband was in a car accident last week. Totaled one of our vehicles. We have to go to the auto place and clean it out and have a funeral for it this afternoon. It only had 30,000 miles on it. My husband and the other driver are ok, no injuries. We are thankful. My husband ran a stop sign that was not visible because a large tree branch was hanging in front of it. He saw it just as he entered the intersection. The county came out this morning and cut the tree away from the area. It was to bad this had to happen but I'm so thankful no one was injured. It is awful that your husband got into an accident but good that

nobody was hurt.
Hope you had a nice funeral for the car. Flowers or no flowers??
                                                                            LOL maimi. It was MY vehicle. The one I went to work in and the one that gets me around town. So, I'm stuck here at home and we have decided not to replace it for a while. It was our caravan, the gas hog but we used it for camping and to tote our canoe. So, I guess I am gonna get on my cruiser and get around town that way till the snow flies, which by the looks of today, could be very soon. Your cruiser ? As in a bike or scooter? Hopefully you will have another vehicle
before it gets too cold.
Sorry about the wreck.  Glad no one was hurt. Yesterday I nearly collided with a car that was leaving the restaurant as I was approaching.  I have been very careful today to pay attention to all cars in the area today.It is a lime green electra cruiser bicycle. I love it. Totally plain, one speed, back peddle brake, goes circles around my husbands 21 speed. I absolutely love this bike. I am going to accessorize it next summer with fenders and a basket.Glad to hear your hubby and no one else was hurt. Someone hit my car ( which was parked) on the drivers side, also none hurt but only had my car 3 days and it only had 25 miles on it....So glad your husband wasn't hurt. It's amazing how bad of an accident you can get in and not be injured.
Only 30,000 miles sounds like a pretty new vehicle. Wasn't it totally insured? Wouldn't the insurance replace it?
Wow! lovely Highway Department is to make sure any obstuctions are out of the way for stop signs etc. Glad no one was hurt.Sorry your car was so badly damaged, luckily for me i am fully comp. so insurance will pay out.