Weird! Does anyone Feel This? | Arthritis Information


Hey guys, Does anyone have a burning feeling in their arms, legs , feet, hands and shoulders? This is too weird. It's like it never goes away. I can't fiqure out what this is. Any suggestions. Oh, and everything is swollen and red.

that is some kind of neurpathy going on.  you need to work with your doctor to figure out the cause

Is the burning feeling in the joint?No it is in my arms, legs, feet and hands. I t feels like electricty. My joints all are swollen and red as well. It also travels across my spine and in my shoulders.It sounds neurological. I have neuropathy and parathesia and it can be like that. You should get it checked out. Lyrica often helps. In my case Pamelor worked. In any case, it would be good to get checked out and see if they can find a cause.
My legs, shoulders, arms well everything hurts can barely walk from the pain in my right leg. I just feel sick all over. It burns!Sometimes I get that in my arms and legs, it goes away though, and doesn't usually last very long. (((((((((lostpoet))) that sounds horrible, i hope it subsides and do go to the dr, asap..
  I'm sorry you're feeling so bad...
