OT? TMJ (and RA?) | Arthritis Information


So my RA above the waist is only on my right side.  I have had problems with my jaw and the right side in particular since I was in high school.  But...I played soccer AND I played the saxophone.  So I got a night guard, sometimes wore it in the day, no big deal.  At 19 I had my wisdom teeth out and having my mouth propped open so long brought on lots of pain & problems.  I saw an orthodontist or something in New Orleans.  He was full of it.  I was there for relief from pain and he was trying to convince me to have surgery so I'd have a better profile.  My lower jaw is not very prominent and my teeth are straight despite the fact that my lower jaw appears to be set back too far.  Anyway, he wanted me to get braces to basically mess up my teeth so they would match once my jaw came out, then have surgery to bring my jaw out, etc.  I was like...whatever, I'm out of here.  The pain went away in time.  My dentists would always marvel at how my jaw on the right side has some sort of non-painful mechanical issue where it pops in and out of joint or something before my mouth opens...feels different from the right.  I guess the last time I had x-rays was when the guy in New Orleans took them when I was 19.  Sometimes I'd have trouble getting my teeth cleaned or if I chewed too much gum but I was basically okay.

Before the RA, about 2 years ago, I let a dentist talk me into getting this night guard that I never wear.  I kept asking him, what am I protecting myself from in the long run, because I wasn't in any pain.  He was chalking it up to grinding at night but I really don't think I do that.  The guard would help to rest my jaw when it was painful but I haven't been in pain recently.
So then I got RA less than a year ago.  Then I went through a week where I chewed too much gum.  Too much for me is anything more than 10 min a day or so.  And my jaw is messed up all of a sudden...just the right side.
It is really annoying and I'm even having trouble talking. I can, but I sort of mumble a bit.  It's been about a week now.  I can't totally close my mouth on the right side and can't open it very far.  Eating my sandwich at lunch was a challenge.  It doesn't hurt to bite down though (but I can't bite down all the way on the right side--just plain can't--I think that's the first time that has ever happened).
I have never been punched in the jaw but I feel like I have been.  It's not horribly painful because of NSAIDs but it feels all swollen and gummy inside.
So I am going to give it about another week and then see a doctor, because it is beyond a mild inconvenience.
My issue is: what doctor should I see?  I don't think dentists know enough.  I don't want to be sold stupid TMJ products or to be told I need cosmetic type surgery.  But I guess I need someone who understands RA and the jaw enough to be able to tell if this is RA or "just" TMJ.  It feels more inflammatory now, but maybe I'm just thinking that since i know what it feels like to have inflammatory arthritis now.  Maybe it was like that before.  Or maybe I had TMJ before, now RA?  Should I just wait until my RD appointment in a month?  We have so many other issues we were going to cover then, x-ray my wrist, decide about biologics.
I don't even know what they could do.  This isn't a bite issue, because I can't bite down all the way.  It's not like I'm grinding or stressed and tensing. 
If you were going to schedule with a doctor, who would you see?  Do orthopedists even deal with this?  Oral surgeon? Orthodontist?  I don't even understand the difference...and I don't know if I should bother with an x-ray or just see if my RD will do an MRI.  But can you even MRI there? I had one of my brain last summer (weird MS-like incident...got the all clear) so I guess you can MRI your jaw? 

Thanks guys.
An oral surgeon helped me with TMJ pain before I knew I had RA. He was the one that convinced me I should see an RD. Your dentist may know an oral surgeon who is really well versed in TMJ issues.
Hope it goes away soon - TMJ stuff really hurts!
I have had problems with my TMJ since i was diagnosed with RA.  My RD says it's just another joint that is attacked and becomes inflammed.  Sure enough it went away after about a week and occasionally returns just like any other joint.  It is a pain...all I could eat was soft food for a while.  According to my RD, the only real solution is to agressively treat the RA and hope for the best.
Thanks so much guys.  Tonight is ROUGH.  Thank goodness both boys are asleep in bed (for now) because my husband is out of town.  I am in pain and couldn't eat dinner.  It was hard just to talk to the boys at dinner/bathtime and I feel like I am frowny b/c it hurts a bit to smile.  I just hope this goes away soon.  Will talk to RD in early October...look around at oral surgeons....ugh.I was going to start another thread but I'll just say it here.
Topic: RA is stupid and I hate it
So my elbow and shoulder were really swollen, they are better now, but my jaw is getting worse by the hour.  Definitely RA I can tell now.  My fricking ear drum hurts from the swelling and it hurts to swallow.  My lips are getting chapped because I can't close my mouth.  I am thanking god that it's only one side or I don't know how I'd sleep.  The pressure is intense I am just glad I have nsaids.  Seriously I hope it can't mess up my ear canal somehow.  I tend to get big effusions.  I just hope this goes away in a day and not in a week.  I have got to figure out a way to swallow without pain.  I am going to try a warm compress once my 3 year old is asleep (at the computer waiting for him to doze off...)

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