making choices | Arthritis Information


Well at my last RD appointment I was complaining that I was stuck at 4 mgs prednisone for 8 weeks and I hadn't wanted to drop because I have been feeling more and more uncomfortable in the wrists, hands, ankles and feet the lower I go.

He said- so don't drop. I'm perfectly comfortable with you being on that low dose or even a little higher if it makes you more comforatable.
I said yeah- but you also tell me my stubborn weight is due to being on the prednisone. Yes- he says. Well then I want off! Well he said- it's your choice- get off the prednisone and lose a few pounds and have more pain or stay on and have less pain.
I don't understand this pain anyway. My inflammation markers are all normal. He says although that is a good indicator it does not necesarily mean there is no inflammation. WHAT???!!!
In any event Monday I decided I want to lose a few pounds so I dropped to 3.  I know it's always worst the first week of the drop but it's depressing. My mornings are stiffer and more achy and then again by the time I get home from work my ankles and feet and knees are swelling (just slightly) and are really achy. I don't think I'm going to be able to get off the prednisone after all- unless I want to try a biologic and I don't want to. Any way my doctor who used to push them on me during the early months now says with my blood numbers as they are and my physical exam he would have a hard time justifying putting me on a drug that costs ,000 per year. He was speaking in reference to the fatigue I was complaining about. Says biologics help with that.  I can't figure out the fatigue if my blood work says disease activity is low...
This is the most confusing disease.....
  So sorry Wantobe. I hate that you are going through this. This disease sucks. I can't offer any advice but I can give you a hug to let you know we understand.

I think we're both in similar situations - working fulltime, same degree of activity, age, etc.   Are you getting the same benefit with mtx/prednisone that I got from mtx/enbrel, but I'm just paying more?  Interesting thought...
What are you currently taking for your RA right now?Thanks guys...
I am currently on 15 mgs per week of MTX and prednisone. Down to 3 mgs from the initial 40.
Cathy- my doctor feels the side effects on low doses of prednisone (5 mgs or less) are about nil.  The biologics have that cancer possibility thing going on and I have strong family history...
La- maybe the plaq/mtx combo is something I should suggest next visit...
I don't know- I still don't use pain meds, I prefer to slather the icy hot. It's not like I have to take any days off from's just more a nuisance type pain. You got to twist something off or open a door and your like- ouch. But then you are over it. Or you get up from sitting in a recliner and you go ooh ahh-and your stiff and aching but by the time you get to the bathroom you are back to normal. I'm trying to say this is just life now.
La- maybe the plaq/mtx combo is something I should suggest next visit...
That's what I'd do.  You can even add sulfasalazine to the mix if that just the mtx and plaquenil don't quite work. 
FYI- my plaquinel dosage is 200 mg twice a day.

Has he talked about increasing your mtx?  Maybe bumping that up will do it. 

I know what you mean about getting up from a chair and having that moment or two were you feel old.   Did you happen to see the RNC when John McCain introduced his 96 yr old mother - she jumped up quicker than I can.  

I'm allergic to sulpha so sulfasalazine is out. La- how much MTX do you take?

In passing we did discuss upping my MTX at one visit instead of adding a biologic if the pain got too bad once I got of prednisone. He didn't suggest doing that at my last visit. He thinks I am doing fantastic! He is always saying in all his years of practice he has NEVER seen someone make a comback like I did from such a severe onset. Maybe I'm just being a cry baby.
Cathy- that's what I mean when I see elderly people getting up out of chairs or out of cars with ease I'm like.....this ain't right!


I only take 10 mg of MTX a week.  I had a really bad onset, and my numbers show an aggressive prognosis.  I wholeheartedly believe that my remission is due to the combination therapy.  La I don't know what my RF and Anti CCP numbers are- he said next blood test I'll have those tests and see where we are.I'd up that MTX if It were me. I've taken 25mg for years.....although I'm coming down due to the liver issues; but even one more pill a week could be helpful.
Coming off the predisone can be hard for some and I think it takes an adjustment for many. Chances are after you adjusted you'd do better without it; after adding or upping your DMARD.
Good Luck. I know it's frustrating. Hang in there.
I hope so- thats why I finally went ahead and made the drop to 3. I figured all I can do is try- if it gets too bad we'll have to think of something else.
I've always leveled off previously but I just kept staying the same on 4....
