OT: If I see one more tomato I am going to SCREAM! | Arthritis Information


I have been canning these stupid tomatoes for days now with no end insight! My tables are completly covered in them and no matter how many quarts I can, the piles just seem to be getting bigger.

I think someone or something is adding to them. Perhaps Tomato Gremlins!
Can anyone use som tomatoes...this is killing me!
 Send them my way. I love garden tomatos and didn't have the time or energy for a garden. 

Hope you have your eyes closed.
You're so lucky you have the energy to can tomatoes.   I just got out of bed and it is afte 7PM.   I just felt very tired today and thank God I didn't have anything to do but rest.  slugs got my tomatoes again this year
 the full size ones anyway.. the grape tomotes are fine
 I want to can again but Im tired.. I should go buy a bushell someplace anyway
What do you do with the canned tomatoes? I really only like fresh. Probably all I'd do with them is make my spaghetti sauce...but oh it so much easier to just open a can of puree and paste....I was in tears by the time hubby got home from the pain. I taught him how to can and thank god he  
This is how I felt for real! 

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