Venting... | Arthritis Information


Hi guys and gals,


I just came here to get some stuff off my chest that has been playing on my mind and driving me up the wall.


As I think back and Mum and I discuss the events that happened leading up to his death there’s a few glaring things that alarm and anger me.


As I mentioned earlier, my Dad was on Humira injections for 18 months before he passed away. He saw his rheumy about once a fortnight towards the end (about 6 months prior) and was at his GP almost once a week because he was getting so ill.


In the Humira prospectus it lists a number of symptoms that require urgent medical attention- of the ones listed; the following are what Dad was affected by AND brought to GP/Rheumy’s attention more than once:


Ø      Rapid weight loss (about 10kg in a few weeks)

Ø      Diziness

Ø      Confusion

Ø      Was having trouble hearing

Ø      Was having trouble seeing

Ø      Severe coughing

Ø      Flu like symptoms

Ø      Constant tiredness/lethargy

Ø      Trouble walking

Ø      Ulcers on arms, face and legs/ wounds that wouldn’t heal


My concern is this: Why didn’t rheumy investigate further… Maybe dad would still be here today if they had realised what was happening earlier? It makes me so angry and I feel SO ripped off that both docs were so fkg negligent.

One would think that if a patient presented with deadly side effect symptoms that the EXPERT would investigate?....


Ok, my venting is done…. I’m still really struggling to accept that he is gone.


Love to all.  

Hugs sweetie, hugs,
Vent away, Hater.... It is your right. I feel for you and I pray for you and yours...
God Bless...
I know how you feel.  My Mom had cancer in her kidney, they removed it and said they were sure they got it all and she didn't even need chemo to kill any surrounding cells.  Well the cancer came back and traveled to her brain and she is gone.  The doctor said there was some cancer left and she should have had chemo after surgery.  These mistakes are hard to get over when you've lost someone you love.I know how you feel too. My dad died because they missed that his cancer came back after his lung was removed and no one caught it even though he went for regular check ups and blood work. He was also told he didn't need chemo or radiation.
He did so well for 8 months after the surgery - they said they got it all. I felt like I got a miracle because when I found out he had lung cancer and he already had several brothers and sister die of it I though he was a goner.
It came back in his liver and 1 month later he was gone.
I felt like I was robbed. I loved that man more than I'll ever love any other...
I'm so sorry your grief is still so strong. It's OK to be angry and vent. It's OK to cry your heart out. For now just keep putting one foot in front of the other....Try to remember your daddy wouldn't want to see you so sad.
