Im off for the camera | Arthritis Information


I am off to have a camera down my throat in about an hour...urggg!! I am dreading it as I hate the spray they use to numb the back of the throat, when it goes numb thats when panic sets in. lol. Last time I went they had to end up sedating me. I have not been allowed nothing to eat or drink since midnight and its now 12.20 pm and my appointment is at 1.30pm.....I am soooo hungryGood Luck, Lisa!

Just think of the spray as Bananas! It smelled like it anyways. It sure did not taste like it smelled!
I peed green for almost a week after having that spray numb my throat.
  Lisa, just take a deep breath and pretend the tube is acutally a feeding tube. It will be welcomed and you will no longer feel hungry. I had on done about 9 months ago. It wasn't nearly as bad as the colonscopy OUCH! Good luck sweetie and hugs to you!
