McCain/Palin | Arthritis Information


Please forgive me if im wrong here as American Politics isnt something I know too much about but it just seems to me that John McCain is supposed to be running for President but he stands on the sidelines like a vice president and Palin seems to be the "VOICE" the popularity for McCain only rose when Palin joined forces, so is it John McCain they want for president or Sarah Palin??I think a lot of republicans are less than thrilled with him as a candidate.  Because democrats like me don't want him as president but actually don't mind him that much either...he's not a conventional republican (although I disagree with tons of his policies).  So I guess this is an attempt to add some excitement and interest, especially among social conservatives.  He's been out front for months, he must step aside to let people get to know her now. Election is less than 60 days away. Well,

It could be all over for them anyway. CNN and MSNBC have found an old video of Sara Palin in church asking her fellow members to pray that some legislation that she wanted passed to pass. I mean c'mon, who wants a person like that for a VP? C'mon, Jerimiah Wright has the answers, say it with me, "The chickens have come home to roost." C'mon, say it with me, "Godamn the US of KKK." CNN and MSNBC wouldn't show Wright giving those speeches until they had to and then defended their candidate from Wright and his racist and un-american remarks. Oh, and CNN has found a previous pastor of Sara Palin that at one time said that those that vote for John Kery won't go to heaven. The pastor claims to have been making a joke. Truly, the chickens have come home to roost. P C, McCain still gives speeches, it's just that the news agencies are mostly showing the Palin speeches but JSM still gives the speeches.
An American pipeline in Irag is God's plan?

Sarah Palin addresses churchMaybe it is Gimpy.  How does Sarah palin know what God's plan is? Seems TOTALLY SELF-SERVING.Not if ANGDA succeeds. 
It's interesting how Barack has gone after Sarah, not John.  And Sarah is speaking for John attacking Obama.  Junk yards dawgs, all of them.  
And the new part on taking the State funds for travel for her kids.  I almost agree with her.  Next week's National Enquirer is going to be even more interesting since the ex-husband of the adulterous woman divorce case couldn't get sealed in an emergency hearing last week in Anchorage.  Wonder what is in it, but I guess the NE will let us know!
This is an epic battle.  More popcorn, please. 
It's kind of interesting how God's plan always happens to be what American Neo-Cons want. I mean, how terribly convenient for them. And who is this God that is always on the side of the American white people and never on the side of the middle eastern brown people? And how is it that only the fundamentalist neo-cons know and understand God's plan and no one else does.

There's a good reason to have church separated from stae, and Bush and McCain and Palin are 3 of them. I feel like I'm watching Jesus Camp all over again![QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]It's kind of interesting how God's plan always happens to be what American Neo-Cons want. I mean, how terribly convenient for them. And who is this God that is always on the side of the American white people and never on the side of the middle eastern brown people? And how is it that only the fundamentalist neo-cons know and understand God's plan and no one else does.

There's a good reason to have church separated from stae, and Bush and McCain and Palin are 3 of them. I feel like I'm watching Jesus Camp all over again![/QUOTE]
Gee GAG it looks like your gonna have too become a American Neo Con to find out. Funny REV SHARPTON and REV JACKSON ran for the DEMOCRATIC nod for President and the Dems had no problem,why you
Would it be possible for you to have a bit of class, 6t5, and stop calling people names if they don't agree with your point of view? Or is that too grown up for you? Or is that what God wants you to do?

[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]Would it be possible for you to have a bit of class, 6t5, and stop calling people names if they don't agree with your point of view? Or is that too grown up for you? Or is that what God wants you to do?


Every time 6t5 gets out of line, God kills a kitten.

And just what name are you talking about  Gimpy......?????

Every time 6t5 gets out of line, God kills a kitten.
I don't get involved in the political debates, I get enough joy out of being snapped at when I think I'm being helpful, or just pontificating idly, but I had to reply to this, this just slays me.  [/QUOTE]
Slayed me too. Funny stuff.
We all know that you don't believe in God. We also know that it was you that told us that you believe that parents should give marijauna to their children to smoke to broaden their mental capabilities. Why do you spend so much time with the people of the country that you find to be corrupt and evil, the satan of the world? Don't you have Canadien problems that you could use your marijauna fogged brain to quickly resolve? Maybe you could start with that wonderful canadien sport called seal clubbin'. Maybe walk around with a sandwich sign denouncing god and those that proclaim. Or maybe you could solve the problem of 7 provinces wanting to break away from canada. One more thing, generally those people that actually pray still have a concience and a clear understanding of right and wrong and believe that there is punishment for wrong. I know this doesn't make sense to you but hey, since marijauna expands ones mental awareness, what I said is probably below you.
I wonder how many people no longer come to this group because of nonsense like the above.  This started out with a good question from a non-American and a nice discussion about to be launched.  Why did it have to fly off onto personal attacks?  This is not very supportive for a "support group".
Oh dear I wish id never asked, it wasnt meant as a bad thread just a question that came to me after watching the fox news for the last couple of weeks...Ok to ask Pin, really. A little debate never hurt. Thats what great about AI. All kinds of opinions etcDebating is one thing and its a good thing, name calling and nastiness is another. It was a simple question. My RA has been a bit bad lately so I have been in the house a lot watching Fox news and have been enjoying the McCain/Obama race. I just didnt understand how until Sarah Palin came on the scene it was just a bit boring. She has more charisma and support than John McCain seemed to be generating, I think a president should be a good speaker and be able to hold their own, there should be charisma and new ideas, a good listener and someone who is geuinly like for themselves and not for their partners in crime. Our Government is a shambles at the moment and I cant wait for our elections.She is a fresh face so will garner a lot of attention[QUOTE=ann1026]I wonder how many people no longer come to this group because of nonsense like the above.  This started out with a good question from a non-American and a nice discussion about to be launched.  Why did it have to fly off onto personal attacks?  This is not very supportive for a "support group".
Lots of folks have left because of the "nonsense". We're a group of folks that live with a chronic illness. We all came here seeking information about our individual disease; but what we've found along with that is a group that has much to say in other areas as well. It's not always pretty....but it's usually interesting. I will say this; it's not a site for those that are easily offended by things that aren't said directly to them. I can understand folks getting their feelings hurt when people direct an attack at them but I never have really understood why people get offended by things that aren't even directed at them.
If anyone is seeking a site that dicusses ONLY arthritis related diseases; I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. There are many days when the most active threads have absolutely nothing to do with illness other than the fact that those participating in them have an illness. I think we've all pretty much accepted the fact that this is AI and I imagine if it was any other way....few of us would come nearly as often.
Many of us visit here on a daily basis. As you can see by the traffic; the "nonsense" rarely deters many of us. lol....Strangely enough; it attracts us.
Pin, it was actually a very astute question. IMHO, McCain is getting exactly what he wanted with Palin's selection. She hasn't really done or said much but that's all the media can talk about. She generates excitement in a way that the other 3 running haven't. Obama did at first but it has become increasingly obvious that while he is charismatic and a good orator, he's not very good when not scripted ahead. Again, my opinion, but watch in a question and answer session he's nowhere near as charismatic or eloquent. McCain is the opposite, he's good on his feet but pretty much a terrible orator. Biden, I can't really stomach. He's the exact opposite of what Obama promised with his "we need change" campaign... So you see why Palin generates excitement? If nothing else, she's an unknown and change. Whether she's good change, I suppose depends on your point of view and time will tell...
The God thing confuses me. MOST of us that believe in God, don't thrash non-believers but it seems that we get thrashed for believing that there may be a Divine Plan. Personally, I don't believe it, because I believe that if there was it would interfere with Free Will, but I don't dump on people who do.... BTW separation of church and state does not mean being Godless. It means not having an official religion of the state nor having the state encouraging or discouraging any one religion. See the difference?
Be well...
José2008-09-11 05:40:46Thanks Jose for your reply. Is Palin well known within the USA, Here in the UK I had never heard of her.Pin, sorry to hear your RA is still making you miserable, did you ever get started on the new treatment?

Anyway, being from Alaska, this Palin hub-bub is pretty funny. No, she wasn't known in the "lower 48", the press mispronounced her name, her hometown, and McCain got the startle response he wanted by choosing her. I voted for her because I was sick of the good old boy politics that has always been the way things were up here. She promised change and I thought it would be harder for a woman to get sucked into it. But she hasn't broken the mold. I think she is more intelligent than George Bush and he's been president for 8 years. All the scare tactic talk about her not being able to take over if McCain died is ridiculous, the president doesn't run this country.Sarah Palin was not well known and I think a big surprize to almost everyone.  I was really hoping he'd choose Mitt Romney.  But then I heard Sarah Palin speak and found out who she is and what she stands for.  I think it was an excellent choice.  Ya know, my vote in this election had mostly been against the one, instead of "for" the other.  I can't say that anymore.  I like Sarah Palin alot.[QUOTE=SnowOwl]Pin, it's seemed to me that this whole election process has smacked unpleasantly of politics-themed "reality television."  Did a trend start when Clinton played his saxophone on a talk show when he was running for office?      [/QUOTE]
According to Rick Davis, McCains Campaign manager:  "This election is not about issues," said Davis. "This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."
That's probably true.  I bet most people don't pay a whole lot of attention to the issues.  It's a popularity contest.  Sad, huh?