I thought this was interesting...... | Arthritis Information


Good stuff from Dr. Rob's blog, Musings of a Distractable Mind. 

Dear Patients:

I know you get frustrated with our office.  We make you come in for visits when you think we should handle things over the phone.  We seem more focused on your chart sometimes than on you.  Sometimes you may even wonder if money has become more important than patients. 

To this, I say: I’m Sorry.  It’s not our fault. 

We are part of an insane system that requires us to do things in a way that makes life harder for us both.  We would love to practice medicine differently, but we simply can’t.  Here are some examples:



It's mostly belt and suspenders talk. Doctors have much more leeway than this implies. It's true that he won't get paid without an office visit. Neither will you if your work money is on the clock.
Just a bit elitist.

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