MENOPAUSE AND RA | Arthritis Information


Is anyone else going through menopause while having RA.  I think the hot flashes are worse because of the inflammation in my body.  They wake me up every half an hour and I have them through the day. That's me. I am so sick of tired of it. Carrying pads and paper towels cuz' I never know when it's gonna start up again. I have to wet a paper towel with cold water and put on my face just to cool off! It's awful!Not to mention I have to take a fan with me from room to room.  I'll be so glad when winter gets here I don't know what to do.  I keep an extra gown by my bed so when I wake up soaked I can reach over and change.  Ugh!  I swear I think this RA is making the hotflashes more intense.   When I talk to friends my age they don't have hotflashes the way I do.  I refuse to take hormones and my dr. won't give em to me anyway.I started going through menopause at 32. I took hormones for a few years but have now stopped. I think I took the hormones through the worst of the hot flashes; but I still get them. Does anyone know how long menopause is suppose to last.  I'm in my second year.Varies from person to person.  One day at a time!!!!!  My friends had varying lengths.
Some possible remedies? Please ask your Dr before trying ANYTHING!

GrammaKathy2008-09-13 10:31:12