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Is it soft or hard? Almost look like a boil or a cyst. Does it hurt?It hurts and burns.. now speading to my other fingers.Is it soft and bubbly feeling? Can you take a couple of allergy pills to see if that calms it down? Have you tried any new stuff like dish washing soap, soap, etc?It started as a blister, busted by it's self and is speading to my othe fingers. I did take alergy pills. Did nothing. No new soap either. Heck if I know.hmmmm.....we get weird rashes and things when we have ra but like I said in other post. It sounds like eczema to me. You can buy over the counter ointment at pharmacy or use lots of vaseline to moisten it up. Maybe someone will join in with some other op with some med background. I'm just going on what I see and what I have had and it looks like eczema. After the bubble burst, does your skin get scaly? If so, that's another eczema symptom.l

There are so many different skin conditions and I am by no means a dr but I understand not having to go. That's why I said to use vaseline because it can works on lots of skin problems.
I hope you get it figured out and cleared up!
My oldest son used to occasionally get strange rashes when he was little; the pediatrician usually had us start out with 1/2% hydrocortisone cream a few times per day, and keep the area dry and clean.  If there was improvement after a day, keep it up for a week.  If little to no imrovement, mix 1% hydrocortisone cream with monistat and apply that a few times per day.  If improvement, keep it up for a week.  If not, bring him in.  But that was for an otherwise pretty healthy toddler - dunno if the same applies to an adult with autoimmune disease.

Another thing - even if you're using the same soap you always have, the manufacturer may have changed ingredients.  Or have you been outdoors lately and perhaps picked plants/weeds/etc that you might be allergic to?
hey you,  I'm trying to help too! I replied on your first post with a couple of questions and you didnt respond  do you have the blisters anyplace other than fingers? sometimes a virus can cause wart-like blisters, or maybe chickenpox like i said earlier... You can go to the ER and they have to see you. Here you just have to fill out paperwork saying you dont have insurance or a job and there are different groups who will pay your bill. Son's gf has had to use it twice now and was very easy and the people who helped her were pleasant. She has an appt to get medical care through the county for free. Do you have anything like that where you live? I wish I had better answers for you sweetie, feel better soon!
I had a cyct once on a finger tip near my finger nail that looked simular to that although I can't really tell good in this picture. It was hard though and after it screwed up the growth in that particular finger nail it went away. Took months though.
Don't really know much about this subject....but it sounds like you've gotten several good ideas to at least try. Good Luck. Hope it goes away soon. Be careful and keep an eye on changes. With MRSA out there you have to keep an eye on things. Spreading the way you say it is though I wouldn't think it's that. That's a nasty virus though.
Maybe it's a reaction to all those tomatoes you canned.My Mom and my aunts developed a hand rash like yours in their 40's.  Tiny blisters with reddened skin, itchy and burning.  Dermatologist gave them hydocortisone cream and had them was with neutragena soap and wear gloves to do all cleaning around the house and when doing dishes. 