I so Sleepy | Arthritis Information


I am soooo sleepy. Since that nuclear medicine lung scan I have been sooo tired and all I have been wanting to do is sleep.

It could be also because it is that time of the month, and my inflammation is getting worse. Especially in my hands & fingers STILL, and now adding my wrists into the big swell party.
My poor hubby has been having trouble breathing. He has for over a month now... I told him to go to the Dr's... BUT NO... he would not hear of it.
Finally last week his mom talked him into going and paid for his appt & meds. The first Dr he saw said "sounded like bronchitis". Yeah... I was like he said "sounded". He said yeah he listened to me breathe and told me that and gave me RXs. I was like "No x-rays?" He said "nope, none". So he gave him a z-pak and an antibiotic.
Today he came home from work early (10am) because he was coughing so much some muscles in his muscles were hurting and he was weezing.
He made an appt with my Dr and my Dr said he might have asthma. Hubby had asthma when he was 9, for a brief month or so. He had him do 2 breathing treatments while there. Hubby has to go Friday morning for a pulminary lung function test.
He was RXed a inhaler, a 7 day pred pack, and an EXPENSIVE antibiotic... which we did not get.... for 5 pills!
The Dr told hubby to stay away from sugar. LOL! Hubby thought he meant because he was a little "fluffy". I was like no... because of the prednisone you are going to be taking. Hubby thinks he can resist the pred sugar cravings! We shall SEE!!! LOL!
I go for my hip/leg MRI in the morning. 8:20am. NOt looking forward to it.
I did however, get my other 21 day pred flare RX refilled. It really bites not being able to use my hands and fingers. And then I ran out of my pain meds 2 nights ago. Yeah... that was just not fun.
Well... I hope everyone is doing well. I will be back on when this pred flare taper helps my hands & fingers.
I'm sorry to hear hubby is feeling poorly too. Did you or he call the Dr and ask for samples of the expensive antibiotic? Either that or ask him to call in something else. Hubby is going to go back on Fri and the dr will have expected him to have been on it 48hrs before the Lung function test. Just a thought....
I hope you get over this nasty flare soon. Seems like ages since you felt ok. How are the children doing? ...and of course kitty. Is kitty still on top of the fridge, lol?
Miss you Joonie! Wake up & get better -ya hear me now?
Seriously though hope you and your hubby are feeling better soon. Take care!
Well, Mother-in-law got hubby some samples of his antibiotic today. She took me to my MRI and while she was waiting she went to see if the Dr could RX hubby something different. Then the lady at the front desk said she thought they had samples of it, and since he only needed 5 pills that she would go get her them.
I have not been to sleep yet. I know I was sooo sleepy when I made the first post, but I just could not fall asleep. So here I sit tired and wanting a nap and waiting for son to pass out so I can take a nap until hubby gets home.
I have been up 27 hrs straight now.
Maybe it will get me out of this funky tiredness I am in. I sure hope so. If not, then I hope that 21 day pred flare taper will put some pep in my step LMAO! Makes me sound like I am 80 LMAO! Heck most days I do move and walk like I am 80 LMAO!
Lack of sleep causes me to become even more goofy LMAO! And here I was trying to convince hubby the other day that I did not give birth to our son, because he was a bit too goofy and not goofy like me LMAO!!!
Z pak is very expensive but even after taking it for 5 days, it works for at least 5 days beyond that.  Great for respiratory infections.  Once you have asthma, you always have asthma.  No one out grows it like they say.  It just takes a lung infection to make it active again or something that irritates your lungs. 
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