9/11 | Arthritis Information


Please take a moment out of all your busy lives and remember all those that died during the 9/11 attcks. RIP to allAmen. for me its in memory of my cousin in law Richard who died on the 87th floor of the south towerI'll never forget.

Thankfully no one that was close to me died but the community I live in has a lot of people who worked in the Twin Towers. The schools actually had to stay open and keep the children who had both parents working there and no way of knwing if they were OK. My daughter got very upset over it and called me from school.
Many prayers today for your CIN Buckeye and for all. For putting an end to all terrorists!
My friends mother was on the plane the hit the pentagon.  My father also worked in the pentagon but on that day he was on the road to the naval academy.  The plane did hit his wing on the building but all the people I knew managed to get out ok.
It was strange today.  I looked at my middle schoolers and this is the first group of kids that I have taught that really have no connection to the event.  Most were in preschool or just starting school.  It truly is the stuff of history books.
Prayers for all.
The husband of a college friend works as an economist at the Pentagon and went through that difficult day.
No more attacks on our homeland for 7 years!!!!!!  Glad about that.
My thoughts are with all who were affected directly and to the wonderful FDNY, We met many of them on a visit to New York last year . A couple who live not far from me were holidaying at the marriot twin towers hotel when the towers were hit, they thankfully survived.To all who lost family or friends  7 years ago today, or later from the results of contracted illnesses, I send my deepest condolences  And lets not forget prayers for our troops who continue to fight the war on terrorists.Yes ! The Santa Barbara Unity Church is having a service for World Peace. Nice observance.

An L.A. friend was in Boston with her daughter who had just had a baby.  I sent an e-mail to make sure she was not on one of the Boston-L.A. flights.  Her daughter who had just had a baby found the news upsetting so they could only get news when her daughter was not in the room.  Very difficult time.

Everyone should remember 9/11.  The victims, the survivors and all those affected by the tragedy.  It was so sad watching the loved ones greiving, some still crying, after all this time.  None of them will ever really get over it, I guess.  Bless their hearts and those of the military who continue to fight those bastards.  My children had a special ceremony at school today; when they came home, they both wanted to talk about it.  I think this is the first year they actually really 'get it.'  There's a presentation on History Channel that we're all going to watch this evening at 8PM.  I told them they could even skip the nightly reading requirement tonight if they agree to sit as a family to watch the special and talk about what happened.

There is a girl in my younger son's classroom who lost her grandfather and a 4-year old cousin on that day.  The classmate is only 8 years old, so she's too young to remember what happened that day, or even to remember her grandfather and cousin. Don't forget to vote for the people who will take care of those made sick working on the clean up of those towers.
And don't forget to vote for the candidates who will fund the veterans benefits.
These people are heros. They have earned the best America can give.
Many of my co-workers work just across the street from the twins. It is still a really sad and frightening anniversary. It was a rough day for many including me.
I worked for a consulting firm at the time.  While I was working at a corporation 8 miles from my house, many of my co-workers were in NYC that day for a training class.  They could see the twin towers from their hotel, and of course later that morning they just saw smoke and chaos.  We were all so worried about them!  We couldn't contact them for the longest time - cellphones weren't working.  They ended up getting stranded out there for several days, because all planes were grounded.  They eventually rented a van and drove back. JasmineRain I've been watching that History Channel presentation too- it's so very upsetting.... [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]JasmineRain I've been watching that History Channel presentation too- it's so very upsetting....[/QUOTE]

The boys lasted for about 45 minutes.  It became too upsetting for them, so we turned it off and talked about what we saw.  They were quite moved.  They also have a book of photography from 9/11 that I bought for them a couple years back - it was on the bargain book table at Barnes and Noble.  They've looked at it from time to time, not really understanding.  It's always on our coffee table, but usually covered by homework and Lego magazines.  We took it out and looked at the pictures again, and they had a new understanding of what those people were going through that day.
I have been thinking of you all this past 24 hours ( it is 4pm 12th Sept here now) as we had commemorative programs re 9/11 on TV last night. Never fails to horrify me seeing those images. Such a terrible time for Americans and  to a certain extent  it was for the rest of us too. I think its fair to say even we in far off New Zealand felt vunerable. I remember spending most of that day in tears and our little country practically closed down as everyone just sat in front of television sets in disbelief.
How that one day has changed the world.  May something so terrible NEVER happen again.
My thoughts are with all of you who lost someone or were affected somehow. And I imagine that is every last one of you.
xxxxxxxx  Lyn
There were many stories of courage that day.  I remember one in particular, a man in a wheelchair could not get down the stairs, but his friend would not abandon him, and stayed with him so he wouldn't be alone.  Ordinary people, that did extraordinary things.
THese posts are very touching.I have reread some of these posts.  Our post 9/11 world is certainly different than pre 9/11.Grateful for no attacks on our soil for 7 years.  Hope it continues.
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