Invisible Illness Awareness Week | Arthritis Information


I realize that many of us have varying degrees of "invisibility", but I hadn't heard anything about this on this board.  I don't know if this blog author lurks here, or if she minds my posting this, but reading her post is so therapeutic b/c it is so much how i feel at times (see the most recent post)
Thank you so much for sharing that.  I needed it today!

It was wonderful to read, and I was able to forward it to my husband and say, "see? this is how I feel!" since I don't think I have time/energy/skill to have said it that way.

I haven't found a treatment yet that works for me (haven't tried biologic yet) but I already have the concern you have about treatment--that when I am doing better, everyone will say yay and forget about it, but I still have RA that I have to address the rest of my life. 
